Bryan Kelleher Literary Award

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Vic Jefferies
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Re: Bryan Kelleher Literary Award

Post by Vic Jefferies » Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:32 pm

Published means made public. A vexing question but however I think restricting the entry of "published "poems is meant to reduce the risk of one poem winning many prizes and perhaps winning prizes for a protracted period.
Imagine if Banjo entered The Man From Snowy River or another of his classics in numerous competitions. It would soon become apparent that everybody else was probably wasting their time, efforts and money entering.
The thing I find puzzling is the restrictions on the number of lines. What difference does it make? If the poem is good it will become apparent fairly quickly and if it is no good it will be discarded just as quickly so why restrict the length?

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Re: Bryan Kelleher Literary Award

Post by keats » Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:25 pm

I agree Vic, which is probably why so many Comps ignore our 'Guidelines' and go with their own rules. Hopefully they can, through feedback, adopt some of these ideas as you have put forward. I think too many people believe the ABPA is the final authority on Bush Poetry Comps. But anyone who runs a comp is free to choose whatever rules they feel suit their aim and whatever Judges they post faith in, which is also a good thing and takes away any sameness about every Comp in the country. It is just sad that we are loosing Comps for Bush Poetry and not gaining them. And there seem to be glaringly obvious reasons as to why. One being 'Trophy Hunting' with the same Poem/s as you mention. Once upon a time, a Poet would withdraw a poem from any other Comp it was entered in after winning one award. In fact, back years ago Poets would write a specific Poem for a specific Comp. If it did no good, 'then' they would enter it in another. Showed what wonderful writers the likes of Charlee Marshall am co. were back then.


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Mal McLean
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Re: Bryan Kelleher Literary Award

Post by Mal McLean » Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:32 pm

Bob, I too have my little private PM critic but she will remain nameless. :)

David. Same old problems, mate. :(

Neil, Trophy hunting is a killer and I have been just a little guilty myself in the past. It gets back to what you said about the rules.

Ah well, I'm out of answers and inspiration. See ya all later.

Preserve the Culture!

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David Campbell
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Re: Bryan Kelleher Literary Award

Post by David Campbell » Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:38 pm

No, Vic, it's the rules which ban poems that have previously won cash prizes that are designed to prevent the same poem collecting multiple awards in written competitions. And that's fair enough. If it was just the publishing rules that aimed to restrict multiple prizes then they wouldn't be very efficient because relatively few poems that win second, third, HC or C awards actually get published. One of the exceptions is the Bronze Swagman, which publishes an annual anthology containing first, second, some HC poems, and about 30 other entries.

And that leads to Neil's reference to poems that "did no good". How do you define that for the Bronze Swagman? Does it include all those poems that make up the bulk of the anthology without winning any sort of award? Because that's where the publishing rules cut in, making them ineligible for other competitions. So those that have strict publishing rules miss out on a lot of potential entries...and wonder why their numbers are down. Some poets refuse to enter competitions that publish anthologies for exactly this reason. Writing a specific poem for a specific comp is fine in theory, but if all of our competitions relied on this they'd soon go out of business. There aren't enough poems being written these days to sustain that ideal. I've completed four rhyming verse pieces so far this year and only entered two of them in bush poetry competitions. It'd be interesting to know how productive others have been, but it's still my guess that a dwindling number of writers are sustaining our written competitions. Keep discouraging them with over-regulation and they simply won't bother. But we've been over this ground before.


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Gary Harding
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Re: Bryan Kelleher Literary Award

Post by Gary Harding » Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:15 pm

This thread has been robust.... and certainly interesting. :) Thanks.

Naturally, it would be good to see the Bryan Kelleher Award reinstated. With appropriate safeguards.... of course.
In addition to recognising excellence, it would encourage young, aspiring and talented writers.
Australian Unity are great people. Bryan Kelleher was.. a fascinating bloke I believe.

"Prominence" in writing is good.... but "dominance" can be resented... if you get my drift.

Sometimes one needs to "back off" in writing and submitting work. Well, that's my belief.
So don't hammer the same Competition. By all means, make your mark ... but move on. Give others a go. Simple.

Then our craft opens its doors to people who today may be apprentices but tomorrow could be masters? Encouragement! Development. Pass the torch...

Give them poetic examples to follow. Write with excellence.. and absolute perfection.

Let Mr. Stallard provide hours of coaching as part of the award, as per Ipswich. Terrific. Aiming at excellence all the time.

Then I reckon The Bryan Kelleher Award will return to its promoters something in the way of a dividend for the significant $investment they make.

And isn't that what it is all about?


Re: Bryan Kelleher Literary Award

Post by Heather » Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:25 pm

Dominance is very tedious is it not?

Dominance, prominence - Gary you made a rhyme!! :)

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Gary Harding
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Re: Bryan Kelleher Literary Award

Post by Gary Harding » Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:49 pm

Yes exactly Heather.. and fumble, humble and stumble rhyme too!

.. and I stumbled across a lovely poem by H. Knight the other day... called "The Last Post" 2010.

Given always that there is no other Heather Knight.. well I have to say well done!!

"I picture the ANZACS approaching the shore
and the blood running out with the tide;
a nation was born as they died by the score
on a beach with no places to hide."... copyright H. Knight, 2010, all rights reversed etc.

My grandfather was there on the first day at Gallipoli.

I do not think he was too impressed as he Never spoke a word about what he saw or did. Even Dad did not know he was there until late in his own life.
.. but that is beside the point.

Painting that scene with words rather than on canvas is a challenge and you have done a terrific job! I am a fan.


Re: Bryan Kelleher Literary Award

Post by Heather » Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:59 pm

Well, actually, there is another Heather Knight - several of them in fact and one of them even has MY middle name.

"The Last Post". My one and only claim to fame! :lol:

Vic Jefferies
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Re: Bryan Kelleher Literary Award

Post by Vic Jefferies » Thu Aug 07, 2014 11:46 am

Here's a thought, don't know how original it is, why doesn't the ABPA run an annual poetry competition open to all comers? Would have to be a way of encouraging interest in the association.

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