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Re: Understanding Required - Blackened Billy

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:26 pm
by Leonie
I'm with David J.

Mystery and history are definitely three syllable words to my ear. There are a lot of words that aren't - every for one. I don't think I have ever pronounced it with three syllables, just two - ev'ry, and of course the classic Australia, most pronounce it Aus-trail-ya, not Aus-trail-i-a. I guess it's that age old argument again about English and how she is spoke ;) we can't even agree on how many syllables some words have, let alone metre and stress. :)

And if I was a judge and wanted to see some old bushie type poetry that sounded like everyday speech, every line that ended in a fullstop would have to rhyme with day or stay, or even David J.

'Cause I'm a Queenslander, hey. :lol: :lol:

Re: Understanding Required - Blackened Billy

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:17 pm
by william williams
Interesting statement that you Dave and Leonie and many others make about pronunciation in speech
Having lived in the bush for many years you become very attracted to the various sounds of what surrounds you as a result your hearing does becomes very acute to various changes in tones and sounds. When I moved back to the city I noticed the difference in speech patterns and tones and way people spoke
in both pronunciation and style and way we all spoke. In my youth it was very noticeable but alas now we have become such a mixing pot and my ears are not as accurate as they used to be so speech is not as distinct as it once was. In the city areas speech was sharp and hurried but not necessarily indistinct and in an excited style. Where as in the rural and bush the speech was slower not really a drawl but word were often clipped short and words used sparingly like often dropping letters or non pronouncing vowels or letters
I suppose you could compare it like Cornishman talking to a Londoner though they both talk English it is different. Just like in many parts of Australia some say tomato some say tomarto

Bill Williams

Re: Understanding Required - Blackened Billy

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:58 am
by warooa
G'day all . . interesting stuff. Being a Far Northern slowie I've just snuck me nose in the latest mag and read both Catherine Clarksons poems and she's nailed the metre and the rhythm to a tee I reckon. Subject matter's a bit 'cliched' and 'done before' for my liking and I thought she used a couple of real clunky 'unpoetic' words like 'subjugated' and 'conflagration' which jolted the other wise beautiful rhythm. I loved the "desiccated land" though - I bet Mat's used desiccated before in a poem :?: But that's all obviously subjective.

If the judging of these comps is as close as all judges say where the 'minutae' may decide between entrys, then maybe it's clever judging to give the gong to the prettier face? :o I know that's a superficial statement and probably ill-concieved, but bush poets are always looking to expand their audience and Catherine Clarkson, who hasnt been thrashed around with the ugly stick at any stage, is on the front cover, back cover and inside pages in three different poses (and rightly so) along side baby-faced Paddy Ryan. Lets face it . . if you don't market your 'brand' cleverly in this day and age you die a slow death. And to be honest - when I see Ellis Campbells craggy old happy 'dial' (clutching dogs and billys and camp ovens) I think "geez I don't think I'll live that long to look that old to be that bloody good".

But I'm a fan, along with Catherine for using ev'ry and myst'ry - though it's a total different arguement how far you go in writing patois. But how would you syllablise this as an opening line: EVERY YEAR AUSTRALIA DAY BRINGS FAMILY MEMORIES BACK

Could be as many syllables as 18 (including 2 for year) and a rhyming pattern in triplets with one strong followed by two weak.


13 syllables with a WEAKstrong beat.

Which is right? Which is natural? The bush bogan in me sez the latter.


Re: Understanding Required - Blackened Billy

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:14 am
by Heather
Marty I don't think a bogan would know what a syllable was!

The judges would not have seen the faces of the poets as they are submitted without names. Catherine won three awards at the Blackened Billy so the judges on the day obiviously liked her style. Personally, I also thought the winning poem was "done before" and for that reason it didn't grab me. I'd like to see some more of her work though as she has done very well.

Heather :)

Re: Understanding Required - Blackened Billy

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:17 am
by warooa
Oh . . so my faux-conspiracy theory get's no oxygen, ay?

Re: Understanding Required - Blackened Billy

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:11 pm
by Irene
Bad luck Marty - gotta knock that one on the head!!! :lol:
No, the judges have no idea who the poems are written by when they judge them - that's why you are required to submit your poems with no name on them, just on the cover sheet - the cover sheet with your details on it stays with the person organising the comp. As Heather said, obviously the judge/s on the day liked her style.
I haven't had a chance to have a proper read of her poems as yet - must get to it.


Re: Understanding Required - Blackened Billy

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:05 pm
by Dave Smith
Well I’ll be blowed and strike me pink, Strewth it must be eastern accents ya all talking, I say AUSTRALIA all the time and don’t know if I have ever heard AUSTRALYA that’s just dumb! :roll:
We have enough outsiders giveing us flak, blomin heck be proud of our country and call AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA!

TTFN 8-)

Re: Understanding Required - Blackened Billy

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:17 pm
by warooa
West Ozzies always were a bit too well-spoken for my liking . . must be something to do with Quokka Soccer or having #@$% footy teams or too much good wine or all those holes they let the mining companys dig making the earth spin uneven on its axis . . . start droppin' ya syllables ya wierdos! :roll:

Re: Understanding Required - Blackened Billy

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:02 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
13 works for me and I did it twice :lol: and even if I speak really slowly with correct elocution and pronounciation I can only make 17 :cry:

Re: Understanding Required - Blackened Billy

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:46 pm
by keats
If you judge often enough, you learn peoples distinctive styles..............think about it. That's why the same judges can't be used all the time and why some top writers must one day sacrifice the glory of winning for the opportunity to judge up and comers. Just food for thought.