The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

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Gary Harding
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Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Post by Gary Harding » Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:46 pm

That is good and interesting thinking Maureen!.. and a favourite topic of mine. My sincere thanks for adding it in!!!! Great!

OK....I will try and be concise (very difficult...) OK... Part 1

The Australian Cultural Centre is a major Project with a potential land/building component of notionally $50 million to $100 million depending. It has never been done before (lucky for us) and yet should have been.

1. Partner.
We need a solid, dedicated, patriotic, participating Partner of financial means who shares our Vision and enormous love of Australia. A Corporate Commercial Entertainment entity with the skills we do not have is also a possibility being explored. Patriotism is the driving force for us. An arms-length Sponsor or pure philanthropist with a big chequebook would not suit. The thought of leaving something truly important and wonderful to the nation (as Walt Disney did with Disneyland) that would endure long past your death... and our field is wide open. To be remembered not as a another passing fabulously wealthy but soon-to-be-forgotten person but a person of Vision who loves the country that also gave them so much. And to establish a real National Identity for people to cling to... useful as a shrine in troubled national times. (There are already three Chinese Cultural Centres in Australia.. big surprise.)

We envisage that Partner would then delegate his own Representative to actually work in the team and Project Manage. An "earn-in" trial arrangement to start. That Manager would be given the summary order to "go and get the job done".
We cannot accept monetary donations, big or small no matter how well meaning. (gifted items are different). A big or any cheque places you under a huge obligation, such that you end up "working for" a Donor... accounting to them and having more sleepless nights. Effectively they have "bought in" and sit on your shoulder. You then have an additional and crushing responsibility to spend "their" money wisely as best you can and to account for it with no help. You effectively work FOR someone who can start calling the shots. Disaster. It cannot work. We need a real motivated Partner instead... of wisdom and experience.

Philanthropy groups insist on you being a formal Not For Profit structure. Sounds fine, BUT if you read the fine print of that innocent-sounding NFP deal as I have, you find that you effectively cede control and eventual ownership of all your materials to the Government. You answer to government... effectively. They control you.. for what benefit? It is a foot in the door for government. Very cunning.

Not for us! and if that is a barrier to some folk, then they are the "some" that would never work well with us in any case..

2. Government Involvement.

These are very, very "bad" people... at all levels. Even their so-called establishments. And I can demonstrate that many times over.

I have already detailed how the War Memorial wanted to charge me $200 for two scans of Bush Poet related images of WW1 soldiers. Disgraceful. I explained what I was nobly doing at the time. They would never try that lark on if the old Diggers were still around to sort them out. Miserable little money-grubbing people. Money, money using the kind donation of family military treasures. Interestingly the War Memorial is losing popular support.

I could literally give pages of examples from my own government interactions and observations on this project without even touching on their fundamental incompetence. You would read each example and say "Oh that is dreadful... and we pay our taxes to support these types."

Grants involve going cap-in-hand to beg for small amounts of money and being practical, the moment you accept a dollar from government you are obligated forever. A potential Partner may say "Has anyone else other than yourselves tipped money into the Project?". The moment you say that Government has an implied financial finger in the pie they would walk away, and I wouldn't blame them.

All government departments and establishments today are Agenda-driven and thoroughly politicised. They know no better than the political leveraging of noble things and it is wrong.

OK. Here is the National Museum of Australia talking. They figure it is not only their role to present things but... they claim to.. "Preserve and interpret Australia's social history, exploring the key issues, people and events that have shaped the nation." Interpret no less!!! as if we were dummies and could not think for ourselves. "We will tell you the conclusions you must come to..." they imply. Yes, Comrade!

Tell me that mission statement is not totally LOADED with agendas. A Museum should be a neutral presenter and not an "interpreter" of anything. Forget "key issues"... that is pure propaganda. It has no place in a Museum and I would kick their backsides if I was managing them.

A few days ago on the National Gallery FB page they said.. "we stand with the people of Ukraine...." ..." Maybe so, but it is NOT their role as a National Gallery to involve themselves in such matters as international conflicts or politics and to take sides... right or wrong. It is just none of their business and way outside their Arts portfolio. If I was in charge I would say "You blokes are doing a dreadful job (and they really are) so stick to doing what you are paid to do, and do it properly instead...stay out of politics, taking sides with warring parties ... and fanning up divisive, feminist-driven, gender-based angst". Shockers. I would kick their backsides so hard!

I wrote candidly to an organisation recently with influence over considerable social funds from wealthier people.

I said : "I might explain that the exhibits in the Australian Cultural Centre will be presented in a manner that does not leverage agendas, slant, politicise or "interpret social history". As a firm policy, we do not propagandise what we do, typically by deliberately placing things in a biased or context-based situation; and nor do we promote Causes or so-called issues. We believe that we have a social responsibility to be neutral to the point where even implied opinions are rigorously excluded. Such a strict and vigilant policy of neutral presentation might explain why, by way of having this refreshing and very proper approach, it necessarily excludes any government involvement."

Thus I was heading-off any anticipated reply that said.. "you should talk to the Minister for...." It does not win me too many friends I guess.

3. Heritage Village.

We are about Australian Culture in all its we see them. What we have includes precious items that demand high-specification space... temp, humidity and UV light controlled environments, all centrally located on typically The Sunshine Coast where people can access it readily. Not centralising control in Canberra. We "take it to the people".. not the reverse. We will need a large, expandable, dedicated facility with a retail shop and eatery to bring in additional income to keep things running. People expect it... and I have designed at considerable cost to me a starting-point facility with the help of a local architect. We do things, not just talk about them!

Much "cultural" material that we have necessarily overlaps history of course but lately we have been trying more to connect with the Present... and to have more objects if we can.

We are unique, entertaining and educational. We cater for schools on excursion as well as overseas tourists with limited time in Australia. Importantly we differentiate ourselves from Museums, Historical Villages, Galleries.

The concept is unique and wonderful... and full of potential offshoots for future development. They are a bit secret so I will not detail them here.


Stepping back you see two people dedicating their lives and funds to presenting, all under one roof, a snapshot of things culturally Australian.. positive things. Including sport.
Two people who have the raw guts and temerity to say WE (and not "government" who have already had their chance) are going to offer up what we think are the great cultural aspects of Australia. Displays may be on occasions naive, but that beats having it stink of political agendas.. and "social interpretations" so beloved of the trumped-up National Museum.

Australian Culture. Nothing is too incidental to us and we happily tackle Beer and Two-Up just as well as the great men of literature such as Paterson, Lawson and Dennis etc. A stunning exhibition to lay them in the aisles.

Governments inexorably demand absolute Control. Two people who are well on the path to doing something like defining what Australian Culture is about is a big challenge to that Control. It could even be embarrassing. So for us it is proving to be bit of a "war in the shadows".. we expect no support, and get none.

It is little wonder that letters sent to two Federal Ministers informing them politely of what we are doing for Australia have been ignored in the first instance. No acknowledging our hard-copy information-letters sent Express Post and requesting a brief acknowledgement. Nothing.

Our love is for Australia, while theirs is for themselves and their power, self-interest and employment.

I often think of Pauline Hanson the struggling politician who stood as a challenge to the System. Initially ignored, then patronised, then mocked and then jailed she progressively gained popular support. We are at the first "Ignored" stage.. and moving fast through the ranks!! I hope we don't get to the last one!! ... 6537908401

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Last edited by Gary Harding on Sun Mar 27, 2022 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Fri Mar 18, 2022 3:54 pm

WOW! I should have known that you already had a handle on thinking big - I confess I had no idea just how big :o
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Gary Harding
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Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Post by Gary Harding » Fri Mar 18, 2022 9:04 pm

Part 2
Thanks Maureen, and sorry for being long-winded. I guess it is BIG at $50 -$100 million...

To gain some dollar perspective... S.A. and W.A. currently have further niche "Cultural Centres" planned for a total of more than $600million (six to twelve times us). They are nothing at all to do with what we are presenting in The Australian Cultural Centre. Endless money if your Cause is politically tasteful.

Anyway being Positive.... we have approached a few of Australia's wealthiest people, men and women, whose personal wealth ranges from around $30 billion down. (That is $30,000,000,000). We indicate the enormous benefits to THEM.. not just how good we are. An active partnership with noble purpose, not a cheque. One where ownership of land/buildings rests with the Partner. Other than a dedicated fit-out cost, they are therefore fully secured. The financial risk is low.

My "successes" were two very high-profile people. The first was a great bloke who I know shared our love of Australia and especially the bush poets. Just getting to him and putting the lovely, information folders in front of him was an achievement. He said "This (The Australian Cultural Centre) needs to be done!!... but I am too committed with other things to do it." That was very True, but hope has not been abandoned.

The second was a famous bloke in transport who I think gave the Project consideration (not seeing our stunning folders though), but it was not for him and I thought that too in any case. So it was a good experience, just the same.

Today from my experience I reckon there are several strong defensive barriers placed firmly between oneself and your Prospective "Patriotic Partner of Financial Means".

1. Many people simply do not make themselves publicly available to approach and I am not one for sending unsolicited communications. They want and are entitled to their privacy.

2. Professional Philanthropy organisations or Financial Services companies (Philanthropy section). They act as intermediaries between the Giver and the Givee. As we refuse to structure as a Not-For-Profit, and don't accept cheques there is little ground for benefit here I suspect. It is a Philanthropic Partnership we seek.... not a big cheque. That could put us outside the "normal" philanthropy system ... but all avenues are tried without prejudice. (You just need that astute, caring person in the chain who Loves their Country and says let's get cracking and help!! not easy)

3. The young kid out of school working as a Minder and using her worldly wisdom and experience to extract the worthwhile emails from the hundreds of begging ones received each week. I suspect they have an eye out for the PR gold of Cancer Research, Covid or Ozone Layer Holes (is that still current). They have no vision at all, and no particular love of their country, and cannot deal with people who are not asking for cash.. so their nice boss misses out on the permanent gratitude of generations of Australians to come... and is thus condemned to obscurity like the rest of us... wealthy or not.

In the end you have to find the Right Partner.... and not be so worn down that anyone is accepted. That can be worse than finding nobody!! No dilettantes

A long road I think but we have had some success, well sort of... and are learning The System as we go. Not to take things personally as well.
(Karen has to look after her health more too.)

There are some very nice and gracious people of means out there. Everyone is busy of course....but Faith and determination should get us there.. sooner rather than later please.

And of course... usefully, I specialise in the impossible. :)

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Gary Harding
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Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Post by Gary Harding » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:16 pm

Just to change the subject...

There are a number of 78rpm LP vinyl recordings around of Leonard Teale.

His poems make very moving listening and are great when driving along country roads trying to avoid kangaroos.
I drove out the other day and one started to bound alongside. I am sure they wait for you to drive up then jump out in front... hoping to cause an accident. (Sheep much the same? no road sense)

It is awkward to use a turntable in the car... so CD's are the answer.

Pictured is my full 3-CD set of Len's recitations.

I think it is fairly difficult to get, but if you can manage to obtain one, then you have done well... and made a very worthwhile purchase.
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Shelley Hansen
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Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Post by Shelley Hansen » Wed Mar 30, 2022 11:25 am

That's a fabulous collection of Leonard Teale's recitations, Gary! As you say, probably very difficult to obtain, but I will keep my eyes peeled!

As for kangaroos and cars - beware! Where there's one, there's often two!!

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Post by Gary Harding » Sat Apr 02, 2022 2:56 pm

I am well advanced with finishing the thunderbox to go behind the Settlers hut.

1. Picture shows what was once my kitchen table (but is now a work station). It is under there somewhere I think?

2. The Australian Settlers Hut : The rear wall is open to allow people to actually see inside. Pictured is the beautiful mini-quilt, valance, pillows etc Karen Christensen has just hand-crafted for the main bed (tiny at 6.5" x 4.5") Yes, this settler was fairly well off.. not a battler-settler.

3. Pictured for interest is Grahame's (my neighbour) outdoor cooking setup in progress. I am using his thunderbox as a basis for my model.

Taking Australia to Australians for the first time is a big and very important job. One that carries much responsibility.
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Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Post by Shelley Hansen » Sat Apr 02, 2022 3:53 pm

I have a thunderbox story for you Gary.

When we built our previous house in Tinana in the early 1980s, the suburb was not sewered, but planning was in progress. The council assured us that sewerage was approximately 6 months away. So we decided not to spend the considerable amount required for a septic system, but to set up our 2 bathrooms ready for sewerage, and procure a thunderbox in the meantime. We advertised in the "Wanted to Buy" and found a fabulous edifice that hat been a TAFE building project. It was painted in two shades of heritage green and was fully lined!

With a weekly visit from the night soil man, we used that thunderbox for, no, not six months, but over two years - until finally sewerage was installed. It always amused us to see the looks on people's faces when they asked to use our bathroom and were directed out the back door! More than one visitor suddenly decided the need was not so urgent after all!

We eventually sold our thunderbox to an older couple who were building at Booral in an unsewered area. They are probably long gone - but perhaps the dunny is still there.

When sewerage finally came to Tinana, the council organised a party at the aquatic centre near the Lamington Bridge, and they blew up a dinkum dunny with dynamite to celebrate! And of course, I wrote a poem - though it wasn't aired publicly at the time.

Just think - that was only about 40 years ago - not so very long since our suburb entered the modern age!

Shelley :D
Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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Gary Harding
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Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Post by Gary Harding » Thu Apr 07, 2022 5:31 am

That's a good story Shelley. You should post your poem while we are still on this great subject! ha

The 1:10 scale outhouse model is nearing completion. It will be included with the Settlers Hut model for the Australian Cultural Centre. Just as well I did not know what a big modelling job that was going to be or I might not have started it. Especially now that the Hut inside is being fitted out as well.

It could be another first because who on earth would build a large model Thunderbox (and Settler's Hut) and include it as a part of an Australian Cultural exhibit (Architecture). Rather basic.. but then that describes us!

The outhouse framing is complete so now I just have to clad it and put the roof on plus include an interior light because it will be displayed with the door open. A few more days should see it through.

With Anzac Day coming up, we have a special 4-page article in the Fraser Coast Beacon magazine. Edition 28

This article is very worthwhile reading, especially if you are interested in personal experiences from the War. (Click on pics below to read the article, or better still go to this site as it helps the magazine)

When I started my working life, I was involved in aircraft manufacturing. We were all aircraft and flying nuts in those days and as might be expected some people with a WW2 aviation background gravitated to the factory. Here I relate some of their personal stories as they were told to me.

Shelley, a special thanks to you for your on-going interest and of course to Catherine and Maureen as well for your very reinforcing comments. It is fine to read things but to give kind feedback as a return gesture demonstrates something extra special about you as a person I think. Many thanks to you all. Gary.
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Gary Harding
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Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Post by Gary Harding » Wed Apr 13, 2022 6:11 am

With Anzac Day coming up, I might mention here that we have a concise and interesting presentation dedicated to the STORY of The Australian Slouch Hat.

I won't use the term iconic, but prefer to say that the slouch hat is a recognisably Australian item.

The attached picture is of the proposed Australian Cultural Centre's copy of the sheet music A Brown Slouch Hat (1942). Luckily it is in top condition.

There is also a pianola roll of this Song because it was popular then.

It can be seen on youtube and is very catchy :
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Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Post by Gary Harding » Sun Apr 17, 2022 5:35 am


One of the Stories we take a huge pleasure in presenting for everyone at the proposed major Australian Cultural Centre is The Australian Bush Call "Coo-ee".
Admittedly you don't hear it much today around supermarkets or shopping centres ... and if you want to call someone it is probably easier to use a mobile phone than let rip with a "Coo-ee".

The pictured sheet music from our exhibit is a rarity and in great condition for a 1918 item. Gee, that makes it over 100 years old!

I was thinking of having a booth where you could make this bush call yourself.. and then be automatically rated Keen Beginner, Well Done, or Expert!
For many it will be the only time in their lives that they have Coo-ee'd but for kids especially, better once than never. Being interactive is important.

"I met with Jack Cornstalk in London today,
He saw me and coo-ee'd from over the way" (Henry Lawson)

The volume, diversity and quality of truly Australian cultural material we have completed is incredible.... and yet despite letters and a courteous information package (not seeking money) sent to Federal Ministers Fletcher (Arts) and Tehan (Tourism) and the Shadow Minister (Farrell) .. not one of them (despite my pestering too) is willing to even acknowledge our existence and what we have nobly achieved for Australia through six years of our time, a lifetime collecting and countless dollars too! They refuse to even recognise us! What great Australian representatives they are... real shockers.

We are an embarrassment and total anathema to "governments" at all levels. How dare we!!! :)
Our agenda is obviously the complete opposite to theirs. Having an Enemy like them makes it a fight and not a struggle. I like a fight.

Patriotism versus Power. Who will win..? :) :)

Have a great Easter! Gary
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