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Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:50 am
by william williams
Interesting question Neville and Interesting answers

My reply for what you have asked is I have entered nine comps and I have received
A first in the Victoria State novice titles and two commended else where, and that is enough for me.
I have proved that I can do it and that gives me all the satisfaction I need.
Now all I write for is mostly for audio listening of which I get more satisfaction from rather than trying to be so precise in wordings.
Now do not get me wrong as many of you have used precise words ( precise may not be the correct word but you no what I mean) and it is great but it is at my age almost beyond me, Glenny has tried to help me a number of times but sorry to say my style remains much the same.
All I wish to say is, write because you enjoy writing, and write because you have a story to tell. Not because you have to and don’t be afraid of the wordings because when you read it, it will basically tell you where you have gone wrong with the sound of it

Bill Williams The Old Battler


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:54 am
by Irene
Interesting debate!
I'm with Neil really (not the bit about winning lots before, performing with well known people!! :lol: )!!

I write poetry because I enjoy it, and in the hopes that it will bring a little pleasure to someone.
I entered a few competitions when I first started writing, and got a few awards, but have been too disorganised to enter anything much for the last couple of years - like I said, the closing date has come and gone before I get them in!!! (Mind you, I did get a kick out of meeting Ellis Campbell for the first time when I got him to sign a book for me, and hearing his comment - 'I remember your name - you've won several awards in competitions I've been in!! Did wonders for the ego when I was still relatively new into writing!! :lol: )

I found the experience of entering written competitions great, especially if you received back the judges comments to help you to know where you may have improved your poetry. However, I do not believe that receiving awards is synonymous with a successful poet. One of our very well known poets here in the west has never won a written competition, and never would because his work is not 'technically correct', but he is brilliant at putting that same work over in an entertaining and professional way, and his poetry touches many hearts - with laughter and with tears. As such, he is a successful poet.

Similarly, we have another poet in WA who has won numerous written awards, and is very well known in poetry circles for her works (which are brilliant!!). However, she doesn't recite her poetry, and is much less known outside of poetry circles as a result. She also is a successful poet - the two ends of the spectrum!! Success is personal to each person, depending on what you are trying to achieve.

This may sound big headed, but it isn't intended to. I consider myself a successful poet, because on numerous occasions, a number of my poems have touched a chord in another persons heart, and bought a tear to their eye as they relate to the content - as well as bought enjoyment to me when I have written it. That is what I like to achieve, therefore, I consider myself successful.

Having said that, I also believe we should always strive to improve our work in whatever manner is best for each of us.



Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:56 am
by Irene
Ah Bill - you slipped your reply in while I was typing my missive!!! :lol:
Totally agree with you - I have listened to some of your recordings, and they are brilliant.
You also are a successful poet because you are achieving what you want to out of your craft!!



Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:00 am
by keats
This may sound big headed, but it isn't intended to. I consider myself a successful poet, because on numerous occasions, a number of my poems have touched a chord in another persons heart, and bought a tear to their eye as they relate to the content - as well as bought enjoyment to me when I have written it. That is what I like to achieve, therefore, I consider myself successful.

BINGO. First Prize!!


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:48 am
by Heather
I love words and I love to write. It is in my blood. But what I love the most is to be able to touch people with what I write. I have had people crying over speeches I have written and achieved good outcomes at times because of the affect (like a donation of $20,000).

I had people crying over a poem I wrote and read at Bungendore. A lady started to cry again the next day when talking to me about the affect it had on her. That same poem has had no success in two competitions. I know which means more to me.

I can't recite but I take great enjoyment in delivering a well written poem or speech etc.

I like to create with words and make it the best I possibly can. I was wrapt in the judge at Boyup giving me comments because it will assist me in improving my work.

I also love to share what I have written. How many of us can't wait to get a poem on the forum as soon as it is finished?

I still consider myself a learner poet and I am enjoying learning and the journey that is taking me on.

Last but not least, what a great weird bunch I have "met" in the process.

Heather :D


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:57 am
by Kym
who you callin' weird woman???
:shock: :o


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:09 pm
by Terry
Who really knows what drives a particular poet, probably to some extent several or even all of the suggestions mentioned so far.
But people are different (thank god), most poets strive for excellence in one form or another, be it writing or reciting but we all have our personal goals, often I suspect that is to be just a little bit better than we are at the moment.
Why do people enter competitions, lets be honest, we hope to win them, even though we realize we probably have no chance. I'm sure there's plenty like me who see (apart from hope of actually winning one) that entering comps, is a great way to improve, whether you're writing or reciting. You soon start to see just where where you're at. And if you take note of the judges comments you can actually learn something.
My reason for trying to write poetry (apart from the fact I find it a really enjoyable hobby) is to tell some of the stories of the bush I've come across in in my lifetime, and to try and learn the art well enough that perhaps someone somewhere will actually enjoy reading them, and I believe in our own way we're all striving for that.



Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:35 pm
by keats
I am enjoying learning and the journey that is taking me on.

I have always said, it is about the journey. There is no pinnacle to aim for unless you want to be like a sportsman and aim only for every award. And even then, are you the best? Especially if the journey hasn't taken you beyond your lounge room?

Well said mate.

And thanks to Neville for initially kicking off this 'confession time'. lol


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:28 pm
by Zondrae
Dear oh dear and whoops ,

My goodness, Maureen,

I went back and read my poem, looked at the original (723 words) and - can you guess which is better. ( in MHO anyway) yes, you got it -- the long one. So I think I am sending it in. I know I have the proverbial snowballs chance anyway. Then I am no judge. I thought my last year's entry was a cracker and didn't even get a look in. See how far back in the anthology it is? I'll say no more..

I'm off to see the wizard... humming all the way.


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:30 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
oh well for whatever obscure reason I have entered - my three are in the mail and wending their way westward with my problem child rewritten and reduced dramatically with if I am honest not any appreciable difference to the story now we wait and see.

I laughed at Martys comment because I am no good at keeping secrets and always want to share with every one whether it be good bad or indifferent, and this no doubt has caused possibly some that would have passed muster to stay in the paddock, but I don't think I am too precious about it. I will be able to share it with Dave and Leonie tomorrow :lol: :lol: and then they will probably point out glaring errors and I will realize that patience is a virtue but that she doesn't live with me.

