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Re: The Ballad of Mitchell Bert

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:57 am
by manfredvijars
I think the point's been missed here. We all write about sadness, sex - even Satire and even get ourselves caught up in form and style - even claim this 'bush poetry' turf as our exclusive domain. Maybe we even feel threatened when some unheard of 'upstarts' write AND perform something of note.

I'll just point out, it's a digital performance, posted on YouTube in late October (2015) and already had over five and a half thousand views.

Extrapolate from that what you will ...

Re: The Ballad of Mitchell Bert

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 10:05 am
by manfredvijars
Glenny Palmer wrote:American poet, Waddie Mitchell.....and I will NEVER forget his performances.
He is the best I have ever seen/heard (apart from Milton maybe.) Waddie performs as if he's just leaning across the fence having a lazy chat. Absolutely devoid of any dum de dum de dum, to the extent that it's difficult to spot the rhyme. The man is BRILLIANT. (IMO) See what you think?
He presents in the style of our own, "Long John Best" ... :D
(Who is also BRILLIANT (IMHO)) ... :lol:

Re: The Ballad of Mitchell Bert

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 11:05 am
by Glenny Palmer
Thank you Bobbo. I couldn't find any writer/performer on their website. tch tch. I was not aware of that particular show, so I think that is a big Fail on their part.They must be relying upon their loyal following to know who is who etc.
As Manfred said, the number of views of the clip is (relatively) impressive. However a 5000 following for a widely transmitted tv show is not really all that flash; as aforementioned, they seem to be relying upon that percentage of their viewers. And Manfred asks 'what are we to do?' This is what I think may be happening: bear with me....

Some years ago I jokingly suggested to a high profile barrister (extremely smart chappie) that we should apply to the government for a grant to conduct a 'Heterosexual Mardi Gras.' (Don't get ya knickers twisted now...I love the gays that I know. I just didn't like the 'in ya face' nasty blokes, draped in chains over their second skin leather shorts, shoving their genitals at the 'Nuns' on the float.) Anyway....he said "Do it! They can't deny your application or that would be discrimination. You’d get onto TV for notoriety, & once the masses have seen you on TV ….(quote) THEY’D BUY ALL OF YOUR PRODUCT… regardless of how good or otherwise it may be!"

I rest my case....

Re: The Ballad of Mitchell Bert

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 11:19 am
by Glenny Palmer
It IS very interesting Neville. I always seem to garner an otherwise not considered viewpoint from your posts. Yes sir, it WOULD be a blast to actually hear some of the old Masters, & you have proposed a few that we can actually listen to. Goodo!
Personally, I find Waddie's delivery extremely satisfying. It 'calms' me. (not easy to do. Lol) But I disagree that he has 'gone too far' & thereby 'lost' the poetic voice of the piece. On occasions, I have read/heard divine 'poetry' in prose, or very good free verse. Even some short quotes are what I would call 'poetic.' If nothing else, this thread may prompt some re-thinking of how we deliver our pieces, & that is the beauty of this site.
Happy New Year Neville. (I trust that with Christmas over for you, that you aren't also a 'New Year humbugger?') xx

Re: The Ballad of Mitchell Bert

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 11:29 am
by Glenny Palmer
Hey Mannie,
Thank you very much for posting this ballad. I did enjoy it, albeit rather 'hat distracting'....? But the last thing I would feel is 'threatened' by any talented 'newcomer.' I may live in a universe of my own design, but in my experience the majority of our poets become excited & supportive of any new found talent. What struck me were the many positive/congratulating comments on the performer's website. It was as if some totally unknown appreciation for an art form came as a huge surprise to many. To me it was a tad 'ho hum' our boys do this all the time. Following on from that was the thought that like Bob, how amazing would it be if all of those newly impressed folk were exposed to 'our boys' on a wider TV etc. And how could we go about facilitating that?

My 'extrapolation' is in my prior post.
Happy New Year my sweet. xx

Re: The Ballad of Mitchell Bert

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 11:34 am
by Glenny Palmer
Mannie.....'Laconic' comes to mind re Long John & Waddie. Although our John doesn't 'calm me' as Waddie does. :lol:

Yes, Long John IS very talented....especially when he leaves the potatoes out of his undies. :lol:

Seriously though, this is such a bonza discussion that I think I'll post Waddie as a free standing post so that we might have a better chance of garnering more opinions on this important subject.

Re: The Ballad of Mitchell Bert

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:42 pm
by manfredvijars
Glenny Palmer wrote: how amazing would it be if all of those newly impressed folk were exposed to 'our boys' on a wider TV etc. And how could we go about facilitating that?
That's the key Glenny - exposing 'our boys(AND Gals)' on a wider platform.
I think that means outside our immediate comfort zone ...

Here's the rough You Tube stats of ...
"Australia, Get it Up Ya"

Episode 1. 3780 views, Posted 26 Oct
Episode 2. 875 views, Posted 2nd Nov
Episode 3. 451 views, Posted 26 Nov
Episode 4. 296 views, Posted mid Nov
Episode 5. 260 views, Posted end Nov
Episode 6. 290 views, posted end Nov

Ballad of Mitchell Bert 5567 views, posted 26th Oct

Looks to me like the bush poem is holding it's own ...