2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

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Stephen Whiteside
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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:14 am

Yes, David, they are great poems. I am really rather astonished that a rhyming poet has achieved such a high accolade.

Glenny, if we do not share a collective outrage at the judging process being interfered with in this way then we probably deserve it, and can continue to see it indefinitely. I was shocked and disappointed at your willingness to dismiss it so glibly.
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer


Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by warooa » Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:30 am

You are permitted, Gary, to staunchly apply your moral standards to what others write. You have that right to take offence at someones words strung together because they contravene to you what is acceptable.

But you're going a bit over the top (as many prudes do) ranting and raving about it calling it things like "mire, trash and dirty junk".

I think you, Sir, would show a little more class and decorum by simple saying "Mmmm, not my cuppa tea" and moving on, instead of (ironically) jumping up and down in a tizzy fit like a schoolyard kid. And spare us the "it's my taxpayer dollars" bit - geeesh we've all got beef about what our coin is spent on. :roll:

As David said - a poet who rhymes wins an award and we hear this? I'm sure I could read Melinda's book and find parts not up my alley, but I'd simply move on and enjoy the bits that were.

Cheers, Marty

Neville Briggs
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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Neville Briggs » Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:46 am

Just to clarify Gary.

I read the review.

I didn't say that your verse is poor or rarely scans.

The issue of artistic integrity and competence is one issue. The evidence of Melinda Smith's poetry, as David pointed out, supports the view that she is well qualified in that regard.

The issue of appropriateness or seemliness of an artistic exhibition is another issue. Simply booing and hissing proves nothing much. A rational and reasonable discussion is more helpful.
Last edited by Neville Briggs on Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.


Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Heather » Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:21 am

Thanks for posting Melinda's poems David. I don't think they are brilliant, but that just means they are not my particular brand of tea. It is easy to take things out of context and perspective when selective lines are held up as an example.

As for the poem Gary has taken his four lines from and finds such distaste in - this is the real world. Women at 40 weeks gestation do contemplate their panties for signs of impending labour - a "show" of blood or mucous plug or a leak of amniotic fluid. That's not disgusting or filth. That's reality. That's nature at work. Obviously Gary hasn't watched "The Midwives" on ABC tv and if he did he'd be sure to find his dollars being ill-spent there too. Talking about things that go on in life - be it sex, birthing, menopause, aging, incontinence, sexual dysfunction, death etc helps to diminish the fears, myths and misconceptions about those subjects. The days of believing we were delivered by the stork are long gone.

We never talk about the messy or uncomfortable subjects and when we do it is often with humour to mask our squeamishness. Bill Kearns wrote a funny poem about a man's testicles getting stuck in a plastic chair. Kym wrote a funny poem about fake boobs rolling around in a gym and I think Bob has a funny one written about prostrate cancer. All written in a way to make fun of uncomfortable topics. Did anyone find them offensive? Any of these subjects should be able to be written about in a serious way without it being considered filth.

Being derisive gives more clues to the person who is being derisive and their insecurities and inability to cope with the topic than the person who has the guts and honesty to write about it.

I defend anyone's right to express themselves artistically. I defend my right to say "I don't like it". Be thankful we are in a country where we can do both. Be grown up enough to do it gracefully and in a way that would not offend the writer.

Heather :)

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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Robyn » Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:37 am

Thank you David for posting Melinda's poems. Some of her work is impressive. Of course, as with every other poet, some work appeals more than others.
I am pleased because:
1. someone who writes some rhyming poetry has won the award. Plus there were several others on the short-list who write some rhyming poetry.
2. Melinda writes some poetry that deals with women's bodily functions, something that is not well represented, in historical terms, in the canon, despite men's bodily functions being openly discussed for years. It may not be to everyone's taste, but I haven't seen crudities or bad language, which could come very easily when discussing childbirth.
3. Melinda appears to be a bit of a surprise choice, which means the poetry judges had reasonably open minds.
Stephen I am disturbed about the interference in the judging process in the novel section. I tried to read the article but it's a subscriber only one - I can't imagine why the issue has not received more coverage.
Robyn Sykes, the Binalong Bard.

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Glenny Palmer
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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Glenny Palmer » Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:29 am

Thank you Stephen. But I did post my concern & objection to how the judges were so disrespectfully over-ridden. I didn’t mean to be ‘glib.’ It is most certainly is a serious issue requiring collective objection.
On reflection, I think I was feeling soo very distressed about the Sydney hostage unfolding that I fell into the trap of projecting my anxiety and hostility onto an unrelated issue….(note to self.) However, regardless of my perceived easy going, sometimes zany take on life, I do feel very strongly about ladies being undignified about their own gender. How can we demand respect if we disrespect ourselves? And I do find that sample of Ms Melinda's writings crass and unnecessary. To me it is degrading natural and beautiful physiological functions to ‘toilet humour.’ Surely we could hope for a better example of national ‘literary excellence’ than this, to encourage our young and impressionable writers?
Because I have seen so many instances of said ‘toilet humour’ being applauded by the trendoids, and that being (in my view) at the expense of quality work, my ‘oh no, not again’ trigger engaged. Perhaps a little hastily, as thanks to David’s introducing ‘some perspective’ I can see that the lady is indeed a decent writer. So I adapt my previous assertion that I ‘agree with Gary’ more to ‘I agree with some of what Gary is proposing. And yes…it is a real milestone to see a rhyming and metered poem on a national awards stage.
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Neville Briggs
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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Neville Briggs » Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:53 am

I don't think we need to get too churned up on this issue, it hardly affects what we are doing at all.

I have had experience working where politicians roam. I hate to tell you this folks but political interference is a common occurrence in any government business. They have carefully arranged the system to facilitate these interventions.

I am bemused that people find it unusual that an award winning modernist poet does traditional formalist poetry. I have said a few times on this forum that formal verse is done by many modern poets, you didn't believe me :roll:
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.

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David Campbell
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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by David Campbell » Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:04 am

Excellent points, Heather and Robyn, particularly with respect to the issue of childbirth. Below is another relevant poem from Melinda's book which perhaps may be less controversial...it won the 2006 David Campbell Prize (no connection) for best unpublished poem by an ACT poet.

Christmas is in the air.

You are given into my hands

out of the quietest, loneliest lands.

My trembling is all my prayer.

“Five Days Old” – Francis Webb


Poolside baby showers
herald the summer pregnancies.
Sweat caresses swollen knees;
mothers tally labour hours;
giftwrap is everywhere.
Christmas is in the air.

But by the time you come
first frost has been and gone.
A long walk brings you on.
I howl ten hours, a dumb
animal shocked at pain’s demands.
You are given into my hands:

all downy with the smell
of love, my warm wise frog.
Then: eight months of the black dog.
I crawl back from cold hell
that no one understands
out of the quietest, loneliest lands.

Now you seem newly-made
or is it me, new-born?
Chill fog melts in the dawn
and now I am afraid
of how much I can care.
My trembling is all my prayer.

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Stephen Whiteside
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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Stephen Whiteside » Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:15 am

Fair enough, Glenny, but I am still baffled by your feelings that these four lines are 'toilet humour'. I don't see that at all. To me it is honest and a little playful, but I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this one.
Stephen Whiteside, Australian Poet and Writer

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: 2014 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Poetry

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:07 am

Roadside Memorials is IMO a beautiful poem and very topical - we see those roadside crosses far too often and how pertinent is the other poem Hot Continent considering the scorching days we have been experiencing - even the masses that 'don't do poetry' would I think relate positively to these. I also agree with Heather's comments in that I too found nothing untoward with the 'panty poem' indeed thought it quite enlightened and truthful and certainly the terminology used was rather tasteful considering what could have been said. A with most things - if we don't find it to our taste we move on just as we change the channel on the TV for things we don't wish to see.
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