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Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:16 pm
by vwalla
Once again- Thank you to you and colleagues for all the hard work Well done.
Val W

Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:55 pm
by Gary Harding
Thanks Val and Shelley. Your interest and appreciation means a lot ... believe me.

Finally ... here is the Sentimental Bloke. I know you both enjoy Den. (Click on images to view)

100% wool herring-bone fabric for trousers from the UK. Tailored, detailed outfit. Very big job. Late 1800's sterling silver pocket watch and chain from my collection too. Bill is rather tall though. I guess some blokes were tall in those days?

Bill and Doreen; together for the first time in 100 years, and they still look so young and in love, don't they! Nice vintage op-shop tea set as well.

What a lovely couple they make. A match made in heaven.. or Little Lonsdale St. ? Yes, Doreen is gorgeous - in looks and personality too. Bill is lucky! ha. He is a bit rough in his habits and speech. An Australian with a heart of gold. He is not afraid to stand up for what he believes is Right and he absolutely hates miserable, intrusive governments and politicians who try to tell him he cannot play two-up because it is illegal (naturally being an Australian he ignores them). He always gives up his seat in a Bourke St. tram to a lady.

Doreen is a sensitive and kind person. She keeps Bill honest and like their creator C J Dennis, they both write very good bush poetry as well. Do you think we could make them honorary ABPA members?

But what more could they want than each other?

Frozen now forever in time.. happy.

C J Dennis would have been pleased for them? :)

Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 3:10 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Well done! :D

Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:37 pm
by Gary Harding
In the beginning, I was completely insistent that Bill (The Bloke) wore the "trademark" red polka-dot neckerchief. Really stubborn about it, as I can be at times!

But in the end it looked so stark, detracted so much from his appearance and it also covered his nice collar that I reversed my view.

Instead, the neckerchief will be featured along with the concertina I recently scrounged and restored. (see previous post). A bit of luck.

These two items relate to the cherub featured in Hal Gye's book cover-art.

You can see how these all come together nicely from the picture below (click on picture to view).

Had to try several polka-dot materials to get something acceptable.

Honour and accuracy are thus satisfied... :)

Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:08 am
by Gary Harding
Thanks Shelley.

The Cultural Centre project is going well.

1. I previously referred to the use by "educators" of the much loved Waltzing Matilda (written by Banjo Paterson) as a Trojan Horse for governments to shoehorn political propaganda into the early classroom, hence ensuring the political mindset of future generations.

Here is yet another glimpse of the same unpleasant thing.

Breaking Banjo (Paterson).... ... -our-icons

2. For those following our articles in Beacon Magazine, there is one on our pianola on page 24 of the latest edition (No. 15) :

This Cultural Centre project is not one where we are out to be popular and Win Friends... especially with governments, obviously!! :)

I could not care about popularity...but Influence People? .. honour and respect Australia?? haha You bet! :)

The good, old, bush balladists themselves probably never wrote thinking about their own fame or fortune, and some didn’t even write under their own names. They wrote because they wanted to, they needed to and they possessed the rare “gift” to be able to do it. Their writing deserves to hold a place of permanence and prominence in front of Australians.

We are absolutely determined to give it to them.

Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 3:07 pm
by Gary Harding
Clancy of the Overflow (A. B. Paterson)

Peter Dawson recorded Edward Harrington's The Bushrangers, and also Waltzing Matilda... both on old 78rpm records.(see previous posts)

He also produced Clancy Of The Overflow... on 45rpm. discovered in the Collection.

A check of youtube shows that it is available to listen to.

I won't comment except to say that it is what it is. Who knows what Banjo's opinion of it might have been!?

How many of this particular record he managed to sell I have no idea, but he had a big following of fans... no doubt including all the wannabe bass-baritone vocalists of the time. Men and women.
It will conveniently lose itself somewhere in among Banjo's display material I am thinking.

Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:50 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Goodness me, Gary - this takes me down memory lane! I have a few recollections to share ...

My father had Peter Dawson records in his collection, though not this particular one. I remember "The Floral Dance", and I think "Kashmiri Song". This is certainly an interesting rendition of Clancy - backed by full Hollywood-style orchestra!!

If you are as old as I am, you'll remember of the original Aussie TV talent shows - "Showcase". Gordon Boyd was one of the hosts. I remember a contestant singing this same version of "Clancy" - a young bass-baritone. No idea of his name - it was in the late 1960s. It stuck with me because apart from "Waltzing Matilda" it was the first time I'd ever heard Banjo's poetry set to music. It was also a time when most classical singers confined themselves to the tried-and-true repertoire (I lost count of how many bass-baritones served up Tchaikovsky's "None but the Lonely Heart"). It was really rare to hear Australian content on one of those shows so I always remembered it.


Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 9:42 am
by Gary Harding
What a memory you have Shelley!

That is very interesting, and thank you so much for sharing those events.

One day there could even be a special section on Peter Dawson?

Showcase (TV Ch 7?) That goes back a long way! The 60's was the era where it all began, wasn't it?

Also Congratulations on the Blackened Billy Competition first place. What a thrill! and isn't it nice to be rewarded for your efforts.

I guess that everyone has their treasured memories ... and as we are all old friends, what better place to share them than here..? I do enjoy reading on the forum what others have experienced and especially the things that have influenced writers and their lives.. although one needs to be a bit open and brave to do that.. but hey, why not. What events have shaped members as bush poets... and people. I mean why make the effort to write? why not turn on the TV instead, and crack a can?

I recently reminisced over "Where's Charley", then found it on youtube with Ray Bolger and thoroughly enjoyed him singing "Once In Love With Amy " (...always in love with Amy). Such memories.

Clancy Of The Overflow

Here is an attractive small booklet from the collection entitled Clancy of the Overflow. (Banjo Paterson). It is part of a series by Angus and Robertson Publishers (1984). I also have the My Country booklet.

It measures 13cm x 18cm... and isn't it just so neat?

Something that the Paterson Centre could reprint in conjunction with A&R and sell through our Gift Shop perhaps? Ah, all in the future... but then we need a Partner first. Otherwise it is all dreams.... :)

Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:08 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Love the booklet!

And thank you for your congratulations re the Blackened Billy. Yes, it was a real thrill, especially for a poem that is special to me, as it took me 6 years to write. I have long wished to feature the subject of blackbirding of the Pacific Islanders, but after many failed attempts, it was when I stood in the room dedicated to their contribution at Fairymead House Sugar Museum, Bundaberg, that I found the inspiration and "Bittersweet Harvest" was the result.

Re: The Spoken Word in Bush Poetry

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:48 am
by Gary Harding
An award well deserved Shelley!

It is remarkable to see such comprehensive Judge's Reports. I have never seen that before!!! .. but then I am way out of touch. Is this normal?? It wasn't in the old days.
Taking the trouble to explain in detail their judging. What would earn favour with them and what would not. Noting the things that as judges they personally saw as rhyming poetry, writing deficiencies. To be honest I wondered why David Campbell and Catherine Lee were not there as at least Commended or something? THAT explains it!! haha Congratulations to Catherine and David for a job very well done indeed.

I take an interest in the writing of all individual ABPA members, whether they are posted on forum threads here... or even on facebook.
Occasionally I like to offer congratulations, or even contribute (rather amateur) feedback here (which likely has little merit anyway).

Competitions are much more your field than mine....but you might agree, the good thing about them is that they give recognition.

I reckon that over time there has naturally evolved a group of the more accomplished writers who often populate many of the top, half dozen places. Great!

I could list all those poets' names as they always pop up!!! haha

I used to enter comps but mostly never did any good though.

The very big one this year might be The Bronze Swagman. It is the 50th year so maybe they will throw in a carton of 4X as well, as a special prize?

Competitions help to keep rhyming bush verse alive.. and offer chances for budding young Patersons to sharpen their skills and get encouragement.
In my view, comps are just so, so important... WHO "wins" is interesting, but keeping them alive is more significant surely? Am pleased to say they seem to be getting stronger and increasing in number... but that is just an impression that I have.

Anyway a bit of minor opinion thrown in for what it is worth..... maybe not much. Congrats again on The Blackened Billy.