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Re: Inclusive ?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:06 pm
by keats
My thoughts? So we just let the same old poets enter the same old competitions? Don't expose anyone to the chance to come along and compete? Where are our younger poets going to come from? Who made this silly rule all of a sudden? Give us $33 and we will let you get up in the novices section for your first exposure on stage! Has this been passed at an executive meeting and put forward to the members? Why a sudden change after twenty years? Oh well, let's just stick to our ageing members to compete and not allow anyone else in to experience Bush Poetry Competitions until they have a Union' card. I can see our membership dying out quickly, given our membership demographics. But oh well, someone is making decisions without consulting members of the Association. Are we not in enough trouble with dwindling memberships? Seems like BS to me!


Re: Inclusive ?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:06 pm
by manfredvijars
Sorry Zondrae, we're writers and poets not footie players or dog breeders.
I don't know of any other major Australian poetry or writing comps that stipulate, as a condition of entry, that you must belong to their select group! And with prize money upwards of $10,000 why wouldn't that be 'protected'.

When the subcommittee for the "Guidelines" for comp was set up initially with Glenny, Kay and Graeme, the process was defined as, review by committee with ultimate ratification by the membership.
As I recall the document was reviewed and sent back with the stipulation to 1). tone down the language into everyday English (they are guidelines after all NOT a legal binding document) and 2). To refer ONLY to ABPA State and National competition involvement.

Kay left the subcommittee then Glenny had to devote time to croc so the unamended document was put aside.

It's good to see that the document has been picked up again, however the language is still in the style of, "Thou shalt, thou shalt not". These are only "guidelines" - and then they are only only applicable to the ABPA involveMent/support NOT all facets of the Bush Poetry movement, surely we're not that arrogant!

The document still needs to be ratified by the membership.

Re: Inclusive ?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:55 am
by manfredvijars
Just extending that thinking of 'protecting' ABPA members, try applying that stipulation to written comps and we would find we would be excluding writers like Bruce Simpson, Kelly Dixon and Graham Fredriksen.

That is a requirement, hardly a guideline, and certainly not in keeping with the aims of the ABPA, as stated, "... to foster and encourage the growth of Bush Poetry in Australia." I fail to see the encouragement or potential for growth in that requirement.

The Guidelines document still needs to be ratified by the membership.

Re: Inclusive ?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:17 pm
by Brenda Joy
Please note that this issue has been put on to the agenda for discussion at the next ABPA Committee meeting (24th September). Should there be any other complaints relative to the Competition Package, please address these to the Secretary so that they too may be considered. We are a democratic organization and the committee is appointed to carry out the wishes of the membership. So we welcome constructive comments whether of approval or of criticism. Without the comments we don't know what members require.

As you will see in both the June/July and the August/September President's Reports all aspects of the Competition Package are open to review and will be trialled at the upcoming State Championships. After any necessary adjustments will be made and the whole package will be up for membership ratifiaction at the next AGM.

Just a few notes

The Guidelines are just that - not rules (again refer to the President's Report Aug/Sept). The particular aspect being discussed here relevant to ABPA membership only applies to the Open Class for entrants competing to be ABPA National or State Champions.

The Guidelines are primarily to assist organizers and in particular those running National and State Championships - the ABPA itself does not run competitions it can only support and advise to help towards uniformity of conditions for entrants. The real organizers are the clubs themselves and we thank the willing and hard-working co-ordinators and their support teams with all our hearts.

In poetry

Re: Inclusive ?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:40 pm
by keats
All entrants in ABPA National or State Championships MUST be paid-up members of the ABPA. Any paid-up member is entitled to enter a National or State Championship, regardless of residential address. The winner across all four categories is called the overall National or (Name of State) Bush Poetry Performance Champion.

Sounds like a concrete statement under a 'Guidelines' heading. I can't understand how it was put in if it is still up for debate?

Very confusing.


Re: Inclusive ?

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:35 pm
by Zondrae
I do not wish to make any competition exclusive. However as I said, If someone wants to participate in the championship they should think enough of the orginisation to join.

Let anyone participate and win if they wish but to take out a championship I think it only fair they are a member.

Re: Inclusive ?

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 5:56 pm
by manfredvijars
... So it's fair if you only win on affiliation rather than merit?

Re: Inclusive ?

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:46 pm
by keats
So no one else is welcome to Bush Poetry other than financial members? Well that should keep our heritage alive!

Re: Inclusive ?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:23 pm
by warooa
yes I agree - to foster and encourage growth we cannot have exclusive events or comps.


Re: Inclusive ?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:39 pm
by Heather
Agree with the last three comments. Surely a larger number of entries means more money towards the prize money and therefore less cost to the organisers of any comp. "Can't" is no way to get anyone involved in anything.

Heather :)