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Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:51 pm
by Terry
Hi again Eliza,
I have just read again your post and I'm Greatly encouraged by what yo say, as I said before I look forward to your future posts on this subject.




Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:29 am
by worddancer
hi Terry, As we used to see outside of cinemas,(eh, what are they?) : Coming Attraction, Coming soon,



Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:32 pm
by worddancer

These Notes are based on Personal experienced with the topic and I will keep the notes short and to point.
These notes will have suggestions now and then referring to your own investigations.
If I repeat information include in earlier posts, it is repeated because it pertinent to the subject in hand or it’s posted spasmodically.

If after approaching mainstream publishers a writer is turned down for any and all reasons such as; not our field; our books are full; we don’t accept unsolicited manuscripts; and so on forever, the writer may shelve any thought or possibility of publishing a book of their work. They may just keep on writing because that’s what they do and leave it all to the family to do as it will.
With so many self-publishing sites and houses available today it is important that basic information is freely available as to which company sell what services and the costs involved.
Which give a free service?
How helpful is it and how extensive?
Is the service on call if the need arises?
After meeting with publishers in the main stream and heeding their advice, I sought information for a self-publishing firm who would help me. There are plenty if you can afford their packages and on-going fees.
After my investigations, I tell you which companies I contacted, why I did not continue after trying their service, and which ones did not appeal from information received, first hand. This can be dealt with later.

This usually means you sign a contract, pay a percentage of the total cost up-front, for the Partner to format to completion, with your shared input of proof-reading, editing and re-drafting your manuscript, before they complete the document as a PDF, ready to print. You will hear terms like, Pre-Flight service which means they check that the technicalities of the print file are correct.
You receive the finished, contracted number of books, the final bill and then arrange storage while you start advertising or walking. That is the basic information and if this aspect appeals there are plenty of companies in Australia from which to choose.

This option was totally out of the question > insufficient funds!
Thelma’s old manuscripts and her age were the reasons I started on this road. Writers and poets like her, may not have the required funds to partner-publish and /or do not have the storage space.

Regrettably I did not find any partner-publishers, publishers, agents, or distributors in Australia, who give any of their services free of charge; they are all included in the packages they sell to authors or companies.

Print On Demand
(POD) firms for self or partner publishing in Australia is available with a contract where you can be required pay up front and/or with ongoing fees for publication and distribution as well as the costs of self distribution.
POD requires a Portable Document File, (PDF) which is formatted with every page of the book numbered and in order from front to back and a Cover PDF.
Both files are required Print Ready with 300dpi pictures, self- formatting, self editing and redrafting and reproofing thus making the document as perfect as possible before submitting. If the books are printed and you find mistakes, tough, you pay the ferryman for the print-job. CHECK the small PRINT.

I looked for a website that did not require money up front but was helpful preferably in Australia, and one that I could order as few or as many books as required. This was fruitless re the ‘in Australia’ but with the help of daughter I found one in America. The first site I used requires you to download their book formatting Studio software (large file) to your computer. This is easy to use if you have a favourite book (old or new) so you can copy the layout of the pages. You type, or copy and paste words into text boxes and insert directly from your computer picture files, high resolution pictures into picture boxes on each page until the pages are completed. If the picture is not good enough a warning is visible and you can edit or replace it.
With a click, the file goes ‘up’ to Blurb and you receive a PDF file to proof read. If you are satisfied, you click again and order your books. This was My introduction to collating and publishing on-line.
Their colour Hardback /soft cover books are quite expensive but the quality is good. Their BW soft cover/paperbacks do not have good quality paper for the pages so not up to good standard. Please remember, these are MY opinions from MY brain, OK?
The down sides are there is not a free ISBN with each book; you cannot print your own copies on your printer or send the file to a local printing business to reduce costs because, there was an embedded visible watermark on every page. This is programmed by Blurb, not to show on books you order from Blurb. I know this because I printed their PDF to check the colours between their books and my printer. As I see it they effectively take your ownership of copyright by doing this.
They do not follow up with a free marketing package.
I have not used them since. I have removed all software, files and cookies from my computer and went ‘up’ to the website to un-register and then deleted all files and ME and the books from the site. I gained useful knowledge; it wasn’t a total waste of time!

CreateSpace .com
(CS) I have not used this site because too many negative posts repute they print cheap B/W paperbacks and do not print picture books. For Thelma’s books I needed a picture book publishing site that accepted colour books as well.

This is where we throw the dice and see how far we can get. :P
:idea: It might suit you to copy and paste this screed into a word document for home viewing off line.
I first read of this site in the SAWriter Newsletter. Then I read that there was Free Customer Service Support with email access, so I visited the site and investigated the publishing set-up.
I took a chance, registered under my author name, (you can always un-register if, after you Left-click on Connect and read some forum knowledge posts, you choose not to publish your book. These posts are between publishers and beginners asking and answering.

If you click on this link or type it in your brouser, it will ‘take’ you to the first page where you will see the words:

CREATE, Publish Books eBook Publishing Create Calendars Photo Books

If you Left-click on Publish Books the page changes to, ‘SELF PUBLISH YOUR BOOKS FOR FREE’ showing available book Format styles and sizes.
The books that print in Melbourne are:

A4 minimum 68 pages 8.264 x 11.694 inches B/W $7.20 Colour $19.10; perfect bound each
Landscape “ 32 “ 9 x 7 inches B/W $5.14 Colour $10.90; perfect bound each
Sm Square “ 32 “ 7.5 x 7.5 inches B/W $5.14 Colour $10.90; perfect bound each
US Trade “ 32 “ 6 x 9 inches B/W $5.14 Colour $10.90; perfect bound each

PRICE IS DISCOUNTED FOR 5 OR MORE. The more in one order the greater % discount.
If you add $1 per book for shipping costs from Melbourne that is the cost of your book and you will receive it within about 10 days.
The first book is the proof draft for your approval, after which the title is placed in the market place and on Google and on Amazon IF YOU CHOOSE.

Scroll DOWN and on the left you will find a COST CALCULATOR > CLICK in the centre of this : a window opens so you can calculate how much your book will cost you to buy wholesale.
Now; Select each box with drag or click on arrow and then click on your choice from the ‘drop-down’ list.
Paper > Standard;
Book Type > Paper Back;
Color > Black and White;
Size > US Trade (6”X9”) or other size from above
Binding > Perfect Bound;
No of Pages > 60 Number of PAGES MUST BE DIVIDABLE BY FOUR
Quantity > 1 Click on calculate > your price = $5.70 for B&W; $16.50 for Colour are the cost of the proof copy.

The US dollar fluctuates and at check out AUD are shown.
If your book ends up with less pages than the number you chose at this stage the end cost is less.

These sizes I choose for my publishing because they are of good quality and printed in Australia.
If I want a hard back/Case wrap, I am prepared to wait 30days as they are printed in Europe.

Visiting the CONNECT Tab has proved indispensable when formatting words or words and pictures for publication. This is where your will find knowledge, advice and learning.
THERE are NO FEES FOR ASKING, RECEIVING OR USING ASSISTANCE and you can re-ask if you don't understand.


Even if you do it yourself, so the book quality is guaranteed and if books do not turn up after 30 days a new batch is dispatched to you.

If, after you have created a perfect draft copy, approved it and received faulty printing or binding, (it can happen with the best of firms), you must contact the Support Page and email the support team describing the problem and if possible attach photos of the faulty books.
The Team is conscientious in its assistance a TICKET No is given to your request and usually they inform you the solution.
This I know, because I had a problem with a white edge on a picture book with full bleed pages.

I only purchase books in small quantities and I use the Lulu print partner in Melbourne for quick delivery.
I also wait for a Special Offer which can mean a saving of between 15% and 25% of the base price of books.


To be continued
