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Re: similar rhymes

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:03 pm
by David Campbell
And while we're on spelling and rhymes...

I’d like to know exactly how
can B-O-U-G-H be BOW?
For if it is we should allow
that C-O-U-G-H is COW!

And while we’re on this silly stuff…
if R-O-U-G-H is RUFF
then surely it is fair enough
that C-O-U-G-H is CUFF!

And then again I’d like to know
why D-O-U-G-H is DOE,
for then it seems it should be so
that T-O-U-G-H is TOE!

I really don’t know what to do
with all this crazy spelling stew…
although I’ve tried to think it through.
Are yough sure yough knough what tough dough?

© David Campbell

Re: similar rhymes

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:57 am
by manfredvijars
... I scream for ice cream ... :D

Re: similar rhymes

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:08 am
by Kym
Good one David! :D I fiddled with tough, trough, though, through, thought, etc, to do a similar sort of poem, but either didn't have the brain power to come up with something clever like yours, or just didn't have the time to put into it. Of course, I'm voting for the lack of time excuse ... :?