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Re: Off with their heads !

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:08 pm
by Heather
McMenomomy says Red was either held in the cells at Avenel or gaol at Kilmore. He was given a fine of 25 pounds which the family could not pay so took the 6mths instead so I'd imagine that he would have gone to Kilmore. I doubt they would have kept someone in police cells for 6mths.

It's a great book and he seems to have done his research (apart from the Kilmore courthouse but I only know that from my local research and he would not have known that). It's a great pictorial history.

Stephen a few years ago I was very very privileged to visit the old Quinn home at Wallan. It is privately owned and out of sight from the road. The house is in remarkably good condition. On a little hillock nearby there are cow bails and on a tree a metal plaque (probably added much later) to the baby Mary Jane. I took some photos but it was a stinking hot day and didn't take enough. Wish I'd taken a whole lot more now.

Heather :)

Re: Off with their heads !

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:54 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
Very interesting about the Quinns at Wallan. I've never gone looking for their story.

I have made several visits to Avenel now, though. I gather the grave of Red Kelly is just a mock-up to keep the tourists happy. He's said to be possibly buried under a nearby road, and they worried it would be dug up!

My copy of McM's book does not say that Jimmy Quinn was on trial in the Kilmore courthouse in 1863. (Not in the caption, anyway. Perhaps it is in the text somewhere.) It does suggest, though, that he appeared at the courthouse pictured, and I think you are saying that is not possible?

Re: Off with their heads !

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:00 pm
by Heather
You are right Stephen. It is suggested in the picture caption that this was the courthouse. That particular courthouse was not built in 1863 - the foundation stone was laid in December 1863. And since the first courthouse had burnt down, I think it highly likely that the courtcases were held in the old log lockup as they were before the courthouse was built. At one time court cases were even held in the local pub but from memory the publican was not paid for the use of his premises and refused any further use. The time before the courthouse was built was very interesting in Kilmore. The residents were petitioning for roads, a market and a courthouse. I find the people back in the 1850s were very politically aware and they were avid readers of the newspapers.


Re: Off with their heads !

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:09 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
Where is the reference to 1863?

Re: Off with their heads !

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:34 pm
by Heather
Page 9 the bottom caption: Kilmore courthouse, where eight-year-old Ned Kelly was taken by his mother to testify on behalf of uncle James Kelly in 1863. It was the boy's first unhappy introduction to the law.

How he (McM) knows that Ned's mother took him there to testify I don't know. The shame of it is that the court room petty sessions books were destroyed in the original courthouse fire in 1862. The Kilmore Historical Society holds many of the petty session books after that time (not sure of start date). We are currently indexing them at present and they have all been digitally photographed. The index takes you to the page in question. Cool huh?

Re: Off with their heads !

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:37 pm
by Heather
Did you have a girls' look Stephen? :lol:

Re: Off with their heads !

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:44 pm
by Stephen Whiteside
Girls' look? Is that good or bad?

I think I might have a different edition to yours. The picture of the courthouse is on page 17. Page 9 is straight text.

Re: Off with their heads !

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:46 pm
by Heather
We are talking about the same book aren't we? Ned Kelly The Authentic Illustrated History. My edition 2001.

Re: Off with their heads !

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:53 pm
by Heather
Stephen this might be a hint as to what happened to Red Kelly.

Kilmore Free Press 28 December 1865
Capture of Lowry, A Bushranger—
Allan Lowry, alias Cook, alias Davis, who it will be remembered escaped from Kilmore gaol about twelve months ago, was captured at Avenel by Constable Doxy on Monday last. From information received it appears the constable arrested this man upon a charge of horse stealing, and brought him before the Avenel Bench from whence he was remanded to Kilmore to be brought before the Police Court on the 30th inst. At the time of his escape from gaol he had been committed, and waiting to be tried on three separate charges, one for shooting at a constable, and two charges of horse stealing. Great credit is due to Constable Doxy for the prompt measures taken by him which led to the arrest of the prisoner.

Re: Off with their heads !

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:38 am
by Stephen Whiteside

It looks like my copy of the book was published in 1984.