Members' or users' poetry?

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Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Post by Heather » Mon May 30, 2011 2:18 pm

Bob, at the moment, non members think they can't comment because of the caption under the "Members' poetry" that says (incorrectly) that only members can post and comment.

I do believe that non members will comment on members' poetry - they do on users' poetry so why wouldn't they?

Will it encourge people to join? Possibly - some people. If you give people the opportunity to participate and "share" in the discussion then I think people will be encouraged to join. It is probably part of the reason I joined - I wanted to be a part of the whole scene (as well as wanting to learn, dress in purple etc).

Heather (purple see)

william williams

Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Post by william williams » Mon May 30, 2011 2:26 pm

Why do we have different sections :o when half the time things are here there and every where :lol: :roll: , the only thing that rarely is in the wrong place is. We Will Remember :shock:

And Marty you know better, :? :twisted: if she says it is that colour! :evil: Shut up mate, :shock: yah carn’t win :lol: it is what is called female logic. :roll:

Bill The Old Battler

william williams

Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Post by william williams » Mon May 30, 2011 2:26 pm

Why do we have different sections :o when half the time things are here there and every where :lol: :roll: , the only thing that rarely is in the wrong place is. We Will Remember :shock:

And Marty you know better, :? :twisted: if she says it is that colour! :evil: Shut up mate, :shock: yah carn’t win :lol: it is what is called female logic. :roll:

Bill The Old Battler

william williams

Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Post by william williams » Mon May 30, 2011 2:30 pm

HELP HEATHER I HAVE STUFFED IT UP Cause I got the shakes Bob Wheres our Bundy Mate

bill w


Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Post by Heather » Mon May 30, 2011 2:37 pm

Now Bill, that is what happens to those who ,mock the purple moderator. Suffer in your undies! (Who remembers that?)

:lol: :lol:

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Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Post by Terry » Mon May 30, 2011 2:40 pm

G/day Bill,
You certainly made your point mate, Twice!

Cheers terry

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Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon May 30, 2011 3:25 pm

and he was quite adamant about that as well.

I agree with Marty, Neal and Bob for what it is worth - don't think we need any more sections and think all sections should be available to be read ... as for the comments it would be good if more than just the faithful were able to add their two bobs worth, but cynic that I am doubt it would happen. As for attracting more members doubt it would make any difference...if you want to join badly enough you will join. If you have a passion to learn your craft, share your craft, and just enjoy mixing with others who share your interest you will join. The cost will not deter you because it is not expensive in the grand scheme of things, it comes down to doing something that you feel strongly about...people who are wishy washy about bush poetry won't put themselves out to join not for any reason other than because they are not passionate about it.

That of course is just IMO


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Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Post by Vic Jefferies » Mon May 30, 2011 3:47 pm

As I recall, the reason the We Will Remember Them section was started was that there was an idea to distribute some of the "war"poems to RSL Clubs. Don't think this ever eventuated but that was the original idea on the old site.
However, I think it works well now as a separate section.
Don't think we need any more divisions.
I would like to think that anyone can browse the site and read whatever they like but need to register and log in if they wish to contribute. Many other poetry sites work like this and I think it must only attract more members and contributors in the future.

william williams

Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Post by william williams » Mon May 30, 2011 4:37 pm

I DUNNO HEATHER OHH YEH THATS RIGHT :oops: "THEM" :oops: thats What I ment To say

yes heather my reg grundies are all right how are yours is that why you wore those overalls

Bill the old bugger

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Re: Members' or users' poetry?

Post by Zondrae » Mon May 30, 2011 4:40 pm

G'day all,

Point taken and I agree, Heather. I would rate Hully very highly as a writer. I don't know if he is a member but I have never seen a rough poem posted by him. He was on the air before I came on and even though he is not always present, when he gives us a poem it always catches my full attention. So there goes my argument down the gurgler, I guess. Maybe the forum section should be completely open.

Let the powers that rule (the committee or webmaster) decide who or which poems are in the Masters section that is accessed from the home page.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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