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Homework for June - Forever Young

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 2:42 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Greetings All ..

As I've mentioned in my edited "Update to Forum Friends", I have to apologise for my prolonged absence from the Forum, due to the slower than expected recovery of my husband Rod after open heart surgery.

Good to see you involved again, Maureen - and again, deepest sympathy from Rod and me on your recent sad loss.

Now - to the current homework challenge. I have quite a few poems about specific locations in Australia - but have chosen this one because it represents the start of my bush poetry adventures. As you know, I've written poetry all my life, but my current journey began with my first ever competition win - in the Cherry Festival Written Poetry Competition in Young NSW, way back in 2011. In celebration of that prize (for my poem Some People), I penned this tribute to the town of Young, which remains rather special, right from that first time we visited on one of our caravan trips and Rod just happened to see a flyer for their written poetry competition and persuaded me to enter.

(c) Shelley Hansen 2011

We've come from "Up the Country" - very glad we made the trip
in search of cooler pastures, where the air still holds a nip.
In caravan by Windsor, and our Jeep Grand Cherokee,
we've pointed our direction to the South, "Himself" and me.

It's final throes of Winter - still, a frost begins the days
while distant mountains sparkle in a violet shimmer-haze.
The trees, not yet awakened from the bareness of their grief,
stand sentinel and silent as they wait for burst of leaf.

But Spring will never be denied, and in this coloured land
the warming days already yield a harvest bright and grand.
Canola fields blaze saffron yellow as their blooms unfold,
Salvation Jane's deep purple underlines the wattle's gold.

Amid this painted splendour looms the town that's Young at heart.
'Twas with the cry of Gold! that its rich story had its start.
Men came from far and near to be the fortune-favoured few,
and laid a firm foundation for a town which grew and grew.

Now times have changed in ways our founding fathers could not guess.
We strive for gold in other ways - but strive still, nonetheless.
No longer is the railway line an artery of wealth,
no longer do bushrangers ambush Cobb & Co by stealth.

But heritage and hirstory have shaped the way we are,
and we, in turn, are shaping futures that will stretch afar.
We're still creating legends in our own and special way -
that pioneering spirit is alive in Young today.

As cherry blossom promises sweet juiciness in store,
so hidden treasures will reward those willing to explore.
And when our trip is over, and the songs have all been sung -
we'll find our lasting memories will be Forever Young!

Re: Homework for June - Forever Young

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:38 pm
by Terry
Lovely descriptive poem Shelley - Love it.

Too many standout lines just to pick one or two.
I have fond memories of Young as well.
It seems like me you came from writing poetry for fun so to speak,
before trying your hand at the Compts. (I'm sure you were miles in front of me).

You have given me an idea about what poem of mine to post as suggested by Maureen.

Good To see you back again Shelley, and also to hear things health-wise with your husband have improved.


Re: Homework for June - Forever Young

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 7:13 am
by Shelley Hansen
Thanks Terry

Yes, it's good to finally feel that life is getting back on track for Rod and me.

I have always written poetry for fun, but I reckon it is only since I began entering competitions and receiving feedback from experienced poets like David Campbell, Brenda Joy and Noel Stallard that my poetry has matured, and that I've really begun to understand the principles and techniques of Aussie bush verse. Before then it was all a bit "hit and miss".

It has been an amazing poetic journey, and while I haven't written much recently, hopefully the inspiration hasn't completely dried up!


Re: Homework for June - Forever Young

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:03 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Thank you Shelley and I am so pleased that Rod is making a good recovery - it takes a lot of time and strength of will to overcome these hurdles in life - thankfully we seem to be up to the test. Stay strong mate - and have faith that all will be well eventually.

Loved your poem - I don't recall having read it before, but your words certainly captured the town for me and the play on words of the title just delightful. Nicely crafted

Re: Homework for June - Forever Young

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:47 pm
by Ron
A beautiful poem Shelley in which you have done Young proud!

I have been through Young many times and I can relate to your vivid descriptions of the many colours there. In particular that whole area when the canola is in blossom and creates a magic patchwork quilt of gold and green for mile after mile!

I really enjoyed the read.

Re: Homework for June - Forever Young

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:43 am
by Shelley Hansen
Thank you Maureen and Ron. Much appreciated.


Re: Homework for June - Forever Young

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:18 pm
by Catherine Lee
I seem to remember reading this poem before at some point, Shelley.... It's lovely - beautiful descriptive images with, as Terry says, many standout lines. Love it!