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Homework May 2023 'One Last Glimpse'

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 2:51 pm
by Terry
May 2023 ‘Homework’ ‘One Last Glimpse’

One For Maureen

Dusk was creeping in below where haunting snow-capped peaks abound,
in what seemed a world of silence - there was not the slightest sound,
as I slowly made my way back to the car a mile away,
seeing autumn colours painting leaves in fading light that day

There’s a sense of peaceful solitude here in this pristine place,
once the home of Brumbies, sadly now you’ll rarely find a trace.
But with hope in heart, I peer into the fading alpine light,
as the seasons change to herald soon the coming winter night.

Friends had warned me that my hopeful quest would be a waste of time,
Brumbies were now long gone, hardly worth an arduous steep climb.
Yet I’d come in hope of one last glimpse of Brumbies in the wild -
nothing would deter me, be the weather freezing cold or mild,

As I wander on, fresh snowflakes kiss the earth and coat the trees,
though despite the beauty there’s a sadness - guess I’m hard to please.
For there’s something missing from this special place I used to know,
yet even I appreciate the magic of the falling snow.

Then a movement catches my attention in the misty grey,
as emerging from the gloom two Brumbies slowly make their way.
It’s a mare and foal, their hoof-steps muffled by the recent fall,
I am frozen to the spot and trying not to breathe at all.

I then watch them mesmerised, as they slowly fade into night,
they’re such lovely animals it’s sad to think about their plight.
In the distance there I see the Ski Resort light’s shining bright,
sadly, that’s the future, not a single Brumby left in sight.

©T.E. Piggott

Re: Homework May 2023 'One Last Glimpse'

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 6:47 pm
by Catherine Lee
Lovely poem, Terry - sad of course, but lovely....And as always, some beautiful images, beginning right from the first stanza and conveying the beauty and sense of peace.

Re: Homework May 2023 'One Last Glimpse'

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 10:55 pm
by Terry
Thanks Catherine

These homework poems are about all I write these days.
I may have lost interest in writing the longer stuff - but I still enjoy writing these.


Re: Homework May 2023 'One Last Glimpse'

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 2:44 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Thank you Terry :D and as of course you know that is sadly the reality Who will be next on the hit list? - - I suspect it will be the koalas - already under threat, totally unique to Australia but that counts for nowt - so was the thylacine :cry:

Re: Homework May 2023 'One Last Glimpse'

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 6:42 pm
by Ron
Good on you Terry, well done! and you summed it all up nicely in those last Two lines!
I would have put money on Maureen giving it the thumbs up! :D
Also on here is about the only poetry that I get to write too, good fun though.
Cheers mate

Re: Homework May 2023 'One Last Glimpse'

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 11:41 pm
by Terry
Thanks Maureen & Ron

Glad you liked it Maureen.

Ron looks like you and I are pretty well on the same page these days,
but who knows, after all they say that age is just a number mate.
Cheers Terry

Re: Homework May 2023 'One Last Glimpse'

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 10:10 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Well you two blokes need to up your game :lol: :lol: :lol: and keep on writing, although I confess I too have slowed down as well in that department, but you know I am always happy to share your work if you allow it over to my Australian Rhyming Poets page as well

Re: Homework May 2023 'One Last Glimpse'

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 3:22 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Lovely writing as always, Terry! Very thought-provoking as well.


Re: Homework May 2023 'One Last Glimpse'

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 12:00 pm
by Terry
Thanks Shelley

I always loved that country it had a special feel to it - for me at least.
