April/23 Homework 'Pilgrimage'

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April/23 Homework 'Pilgrimage'

Post by Terry » Thu Apr 06, 2023 1:34 pm

Hope this fits the prompts – at least a little

Where the willow trees are nodding with each puff of gentle breeze
and the day’s alive with music from the wings of buzzing bees.
There’s a sense this place is special with an urge he can’t ignore,
as he wanders through the ruins where the old house stood before.
And the memories awakened are forever on his mind,
as again he sees the faces of the ones he left behind.

Just the old walls are still standing with the roof and doors long gone
and its builders have since left us, but their spirit still lives on,
He can feel it all around him from the shadows that they’ve cast,
as the eerie vacant windows seemed to peer into the past.
And there’s something almost sacred in these ruins he can see,
of a pioneering homestead from a time that used to be.

Generations of his family had graced this place for years;
it had seen their early struggles; heard their laughter; saw their tears.
Yet he turned his back on all of this to chase a young man’s dream,
but had learnt the bitter lesson things aren’t always what they seem.
And for sixty years he had lost touch with what had happened here,
and he finds it hard to now believe, it all could disappear.

As he looked into the ruffled waters of the homestead creek,
Once again imagined faces paint a picture cold and bleak.
An illusion from a time that even now he can’t forget
and a sadness then engulfs him as he looks back with regret.
Then the haunting memory of Mary sears his heart again -
how he’d walked away from all of this, is hard to now explain!

© T.E. Piggott+

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Re: April/23 Homework 'Pilgrimage'

Post by Ron » Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:58 am

G'day Terry,
Really liked it, a heartfelt story told well!
Once again with great descriptive lines, 'but had learnt the bitter lesson things aren't always what they seem', how true that has been for so many who find experience is the only teacher.
Well done mate,

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Re: April/23 Homework 'Pilgrimage'

Post by Terry » Tue Apr 11, 2023 1:17 pm

Thanks Ron

I used memories of my family's old homestead on the bank of Torbay creek as an inspiration for this.
I don't know how others go about it, but I always think it helps to set the scene if you can relate to something that you've seen.

The homestead was destroyed when cyclone Alby roared through years ago.
Cheers mate


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Re: April/23 Homework 'Pilgrimage'

Post by DollyDot » Sat Apr 15, 2023 7:05 am

Really like it Terry. Paints a very clear picture. Well done!

Cheers Dot

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Re: April/23 Homework 'Pilgrimage'

Post by Terry » Sat Apr 15, 2023 12:59 pm

Thanks Dolly

I'm pleased you liked it.



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Shelley Hansen
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Re: April/23 Homework 'Pilgrimage'

Post by Shelley Hansen » Mon Apr 17, 2023 10:35 pm

Excellent as always, Terry.

Old homesteads are always good fodder for poets, aren't they? Whether you have a personal connection or not, you can't help wondering about the lives of the people who have lived within those walls.
Shelley Hansen
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Re: April/23 Homework 'Pilgrimage'

Post by Terry » Tue Apr 18, 2023 7:52 pm

Thanks Shelley

Yes, old ruins do lend themselves to build a poem around, don't they?
And if there is just the tiniest smidgen of truth in what the story is about, so much the better.


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Catherine Lee
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Re: April/23 Homework 'Pilgrimage'

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon Apr 24, 2023 11:37 pm

Love it, Terry! There are just too many lines in here that I especially like for me to single out, and as always you take us right there into the scene with your brilliant imagery. A beautiful poem!

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Re: April/23 Homework 'Pilgrimage'

Post by Terry » Tue Apr 25, 2023 10:58 pm

Hi Catherine
You are always so generous with your thoughts about our poems,

And it's really appreciated.


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Re: April/23 Homework 'Pilgrimage'

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon May 01, 2023 11:24 am

WOW! Another pearler of a poem Terry and your words carry us along - right beside you - old memories and old ruins always seem to set our muses going and there are some great lines in there mate - I really enjoyed reading it. Nicely done as always.
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