Homework for February 2023 ... BLACK JAM

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Maureen K Clifford
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Homework for February 2023 ... BLACK JAM

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Thu Feb 09, 2023 9:30 am

Just because I can and because I am bored today I thought I would add in a 2nd poem for this Months Homework using the colour Black :lol:

BLACK JAM .. Maureen Clifford © The #ScribblyBarkPoet

The greatest Aussie Icon is one of which we boast.
It sits on the breakfast table and you have it on your toast.
It’s something very Aussie, something consumed with élan.
but Yanks just cannot understand our passion for black jam.

It’s salty and delicious, puts a rose in every cheek.
It’s the first thing that we search for if OS for just a week.
We post it off to ex pats with Golden Syrup and Tim Tams,
and a gum leaf for the Billy Tea. Sometimes a tin of Spam.

No one has the passion that we have for Vegemite.
The Pommies have their Bonox, not the same but it’s alright.
But the good old Aussie Vegemite has a myriad of uses.
For flavouring up a stew, to healing rough shearer's abuses.

Aussie kids grow up on it, from the time they start to teethe.
We seem to have a love affair which no one else perceives.
So whilst other lands have Icons that perhaps inspire delight -
our greatest Aussie Icon is a jar of Vegemite.

The word got out - Aussie it aint’ – no longer our true blue
it went with Uncle Toby to another country – true.
Lucky dog went there with them with his Pals and a few Chums
they all left the Golden Circle and took the Victa from Mums.

But Bega to the rescue and to our shores it returned,
they bought back good old Vegemite - it was no longer spurned
The Yankees never got it - they had issues with the folate.
Aussies never did, 'cause we don't turn our backs on old mates.

So our 'black jam's' safely home again upon our Aussie shore,
and we love it - yes we love it - we keep saying "more, more, more''
and I wonder is that because it's a side product of beer?
If that's so - then what's more fitting that to raise a toast and cheer.

*** Just in case anyone is wondering about this line ...
healing rough shearer's abuses.
When out on the property at shearing time we always had a jar in the shed of equal quantities of vegemite and raw honey and whenever a sheep got nicked during the shearing process, we would slap on this thick , sticky paste which would guarantee the wound healed cleanly and quickly with no infection or flystrike. Didn't work as well on the dogs as they would lick it off of each other, but worked equally as well on humans. My old Mum used to nurse at Eventide and one of the old Doctors there, also swore on this bush remedy to heal bed sores and ulcers on elderly patients. Doubt it would be approved today of course but look at the ingredients. Salt has always been recognized as a good cleanser for wounds and helps to dry them up, and people pay huge amounts for Manuka honey these days for its anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework for February 2023 ... BLACK JAM

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon Feb 13, 2023 7:04 pm

Absolutely, Maureen! Just love it - I think most Kiwis and Aussies do, as we all grew up on it. When we gave it to some American friends to try a few years back they just could not comprehend that anyone would wish to eat such a substance, and their faces were a picture of disgust. Oh well, all the more for us, I say...a piece of toast with butter and Vegemite is scrumptious as far as I'm concerned, so bring it on!
Great title and another enjoyable poem!

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Re: Homework for February 2023 ... BLACK JAM

Post by Terry » Tue Feb 14, 2023 1:40 pm

G/day Maureen - Can't get much more Aussie than that.

We wouldn't go bush without it, and we still always have jar on the go at home.
Actually, Dick Smith had a go at making it a couple of years back as well - I really liked his!
I don't know how long it's been around, but I've come across old empty jars in the goldfields.

Cheers Terry

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Re: Homework for February 2023 ... BLACK JAM

Post by Ron » Wed Feb 15, 2023 8:01 am

Yep that's a ripper Maureen,
All those old 'blasts from the past' and vegemite is certainly at the top of the mix!
One of my old biking mates who had been on many bike trips with us, would have vegemite on toast every morning for breakfast. He used to lay it on so thick that sometimes we wondered if there was toast under it at all!! :lol:
Really enjoyed the Black Jam read,

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework for February 2023 ... BLACK JAM

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon Feb 20, 2023 12:21 pm

Thanks everyone and glad it struck a chord with you all - I also recall being told - and not sure if there is any truth in it or not - that those of us who eat Vegemite regularly won't be troubled by mosquitoes ... and I have to say to its credit that Mozzie bites have never worried me and I do eat my black jam on a regular basis.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Homework for February 2023 ... BLACK JAM

Post by Shelley Hansen » Tue Feb 21, 2023 10:07 am

Excellent, Maureen! Can't imagine why anyone would turn their nose up at Vegemite!

Particularly liked your story about the bush remedy for wound healing - we've always used honey for burns and also for wounds that are slow to heal. One of the best antiseptics around!

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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