Homework Nov.'22 No Level Playing Field.

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Homework Nov.'22 No Level Playing Field.

Post by Ron » Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:23 pm

No Level Playing Field.
© Ron Boughton. Nov. ‘22
The troops, had long departed on the transport plane
And tears subsided, as the time had passed,
I’ll catch you round like a rissole, he’d said, to rein
Her fears that this goodbye could be their last.
His humour, had then helped her to stand and be strong
While he, fought in a foreign countries war
Against the evil forces of radical wrong
Where traitors, could lurk behind every door!

One such traitor he caught, who’d killed three of his mates,
He fired point blank, before the foe could flee,
Small consolation though, he thought that at the gates
They’ll think he fell out of the ugly tree!
This hell, could make one balmy as a bandicoot
But hesitation could, mean his own life,
And training, involved, on instinct to aim and shoot
Which meant, to see again his loving wife!

Two tours he’d done and definitely this, his last
With zero chance to do a Melba here,
His only thoughts to return to that country vast
Where ‘neath blue skies, he could, slow down a gear.
With open arms she greeted him on his return
And her relief was there for all to see,
But troubled thoughts for lost mates, he would always yearn
So would he ever again, be carefree!

Then media portrayal, from their safety net,
Who must think peoples ears were painted on
Would draw a picture, that of course there’d been no threat
And soldiers guilty …conclusion foregone!
Compounding issues would sadly see suicide
As for some to surmount, a hopeless quest,
When political correctness was there to decide
The fate of men, who’d given of their best.

Reality of war is such a shocking thing
Just ask those suffering now in Ukraine
When global bullies to innocent people bring
Death and destruction, vile bloodshed and pain.
So taken for granted, our peace should never be,
As P.C. won’t be defending our shore!
But those forces who do, whether air, land or sea
Their blood is worth bottling …that is for sure!

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Re: Homework Nov.'22 No Level Playing Field.

Post by DollyDot » Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:26 am

Well said Ron!

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Re: Homework Nov.'22 No Level Playing Field.

Post by Ron » Mon Nov 14, 2022 2:55 pm

Thanks Dolly :D

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Re: Homework Nov.'22 No Level Playing Field.

Post by Terry » Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:15 pm

Good one Ron

One of my pet hates is the way our soldiers are treated especially by the media.
As I said in one of my poems, 'for it's kill or be killed when at war, and blood is sure to spill.'

And the politicians aren't any better either, look at the way the Vietnam vets were treated by some of them.
and now they want to crucify some of our Afghanistan vets - sickening isn't it.

Cheers Mate


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Re: Homework Nov.'22 No Level Playing Field.

Post by Ron » Tue Nov 15, 2022 7:42 am

Thanks Terry,
Yes it is mate, and certainly doesn’t give much inspiration for joining up.

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Re: Homework Nov.'22 No Level Playing Field.

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Nov 15, 2022 10:39 am

Oh well done Ron - great use of the prompts and very topical as well . I enjoyed the read and hoe you enjoyed the challenge :lol:
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Re: Homework Nov.'22 No Level Playing Field.

Post by Catherine Lee » Tue Nov 15, 2022 3:43 pm

Yes, you've definitely woven the prompts in expertly here, Ron, whilst penning a serious message in this thought-provoking poem - well done!

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Re: Homework Nov.'22 No Level Playing Field.

Post by Ron » Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:52 pm

Thanks Maureen and Catherine for your kind words.

Yes I certainly enjoyed the challenge Maureen but that's what it's all about. :) Though I must admit I started Two poems with these prompts that were going no where, until I stuck with this one. :D

And Catherine, well I wasn't game not to do one when our teacher came out with the big stick for not having our homework done! :lol: ;)

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Re: Homework Nov.'22 No Level Playing Field.

Post by Shelley Hansen » Tue Dec 13, 2022 3:29 pm

You've certainly come from left field with that one Ron - very well done! It's always great when someone takes prompts that lend themselves to humour and turns them into something completely different. That's the beauty and diversity of poetry!
Shelley Hansen
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Re: Homework Nov.'22 No Level Playing Field.

Post by Ron » Thu Dec 15, 2022 3:11 pm

Thanks Shelley, yes sometimes one wonders just where they come from.
I guess it's the muse takes over the steering gear at times! :o :D
Have a great Christmas.

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