Homework 13/8/22 'Courage Above and Beyond'

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Homework 13/8/22 'Courage Above and Beyond'

Post by Terry » Sat Aug 13, 2022 1:58 pm

Courage Above and Beyond – The Coastwatchers

‘Guadalcanal saved the Pacific – The Coastwatchers saved Guadalcanal’
: US Admiral Halsey

In the hushed near silence of a waning moon they’ve slipped ashore,
to a palm fringed Island beach there in the darkest days of war.
As the submarine that brought them dips below the gentle swell,
those on board will say a silent prayer and wish those brave men well.

For this Island swarmed with Japanese - no mercy would be shown,
should the enemy be waiting, and their secret landing known.
But the nearby jungle reaches out to offer shelter there,
as they melt into its darkness - silent as the night they share.

High upon a mountain hillside they have made their secret camp,
hidden by a dripping rainforest, that’s humid hot and damp.
Swarms of angry mozzies come marauding with the fading light,
bringing hours of abject misery, they must endure each night.

They’re surrounded now by rotting swamps and scummed lagoons, or worse,
with the trees alive with leeches, they’re among the things they curse.
Yet they set about their tasks here, in the only way they knew,
in this place awash with pestilence, they had a job to do.

With their radio in place, they watch for shipping far below,
also counting and reporting aircraft as they come and go.
Always ready though to move in minutes, should the need arise,
for they know the Japs are looking now to catch them by surprise.

There is constant danger always and an awful fate awaits,
capture will mean death with torture, and the grisliest of fates.
But this work is so important, it’s a risk that they must take,
for the war is in the balance now, with many lives at stake.


© T E Piggott

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Re: Homework 13/8/22 'Courage Above and Beyond'

Post by Ron » Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:39 pm

G'day Terry,
They were certainly heroes, weren't they! The extreme risks they took and the level of bravery were incredible, and as you have said, the consequences if caught would have been horrific!
Our countries debt to them is definitely at the highest end of the scale!
Along the same lines, you may have read the book 'Blood On Borneo', the story of Jack Wong Sue, he came from over your way and was a member of the Z special unit, and what he accomplished behind enemy lines in Borneo was incredible!
If you haven't read it, I can certainly recommend it.
I enjoyed your poem mate, a good read!

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Re: Homework 13/8/22 'Courage Above and Beyond'

Post by Terry » Mon Aug 15, 2022 6:28 pm

Thanks Ron

I intend to have another and more expansive go at this - I think it deserves it!
There's a book called 'The Coast Watchers' written by Patrick Lindsay - everybody should read it,
it covers the whole picture from beginning to end.
They helped to save hundreds of lives as well.

I once had the book you mention, and had intended this poem to be about him but couldn't find the book,
and I'd like to read it again before having a go at it.



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Re: Homework 13/8/22 'Courage Above and Beyond'

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Aug 23, 2022 7:26 am

Love it - heroes indeed - such brave men and women and such an important job I am in awe of those who show such courage. You may also be interested in the history of Curtin's Cowboys or the Aussie Nackeroos - a group that operated in our top End during WWII. More of our inspiring history that is little known by the majority of Australians.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Re: Homework 13/8/22 'Courage Above and Beyond'

Post by Terry » Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:21 am

Thanks Maureen

There was no end of courageous Aussies back in those days, was there,
The real spirit of the country shone through when it counted - wonder if we'd do it now?
And whether we will stand up for our SAS boys against what seems to me to be trial by a kangaroo court.
Brings back memories of the 'Breaker' I reckon!


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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework 13/8/22 'Courage Above and Beyond'

Post by Catherine Lee » Wed Aug 31, 2022 2:47 pm

Love this, Terry! With the first three lines we are already straight into your brilliant imagery and gift for setting a scene. It feels as if I'm right there with these heroes feeling their fear, tension, and misery from the leeches and infernal swarms of mozzies. I hope you do expand on this because I totally agree with you that it deserves it!

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Re: Homework 13/8/22 'Courage Above and Beyond'

Post by Terry » Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:51 pm

Thanks Catherin

I agree it has all the ingredients for a good and deserving poem, the hardest part could be doing justice to it.
They were so courageous against a brutal foe, if caught, terrible torture followed by beheading was the usual treatment dished out.

I go into hospital tomorrow for a back op, followed by six weeks of Rehab (at home I hope).
So hopefully I will have plenty of time to do a bit of writing - if I can get motivated.


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Re: Homework 13/8/22 'Courage Above and Beyond'

Post by Ron » Thu Sep 01, 2022 8:11 am

G’day Terry,
All the best for the op and a speedy recovery mate.

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework 13/8/22 'Courage Above and Beyond'

Post by Catherine Lee » Thu Sep 01, 2022 3:08 pm

Oh my goodness, Terry, thinking of you and wishing you all the very best with your op!

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Re: Homework 13/8/22 'Courage Above and Beyond'

Post by Shelley Hansen » Fri Sep 02, 2022 6:02 pm

Yes indeed, Terry - hope your are well and truly on the recuperation road by now.
Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
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(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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