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Homework for July 2022 - "Working in the Seventies"

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 12:02 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Good thought-provoking prompt this month, Maureen. So many potential subjects to write about - but I settled on my early working years.

(c) Shelley Hansen 25/7/22

I finished school at “Junior”, started working right way –
began my long career at just fifteen.
So, now retired, I’m thinking back on over fifty years,
remembering the changes I have seen.

I started as “stenographer” and used the skills I’d learned –
took shorthand from the boss and typed it back,
sent letters and accounts in bulk by way of Aussie post.
The days flew by! So busy – never slack.

I typed with carbon paper – no “delete” key, or “undo”.
If “typos” happened, I would start again!
I clocked into a time machine each morning and each night –
No “flexi-time” or work from home back then.

No office-based computers, but there were some large machines –
address-o-graph which cut a metal plate,
and telex with its paper tape to send and to receive
fast messages relayed in coded state.

A “Roneo” machine would run off copies from an etched
impression typed on waxy foolscap sheets.
No emails then! The message boy would take the local mail
and ride his pushbike through the city streets.

All stopped for morning tea and sat together for a chat,
played table tennis on our lunchtime breaks.
A sense of camaraderie prevailed, to give support
when things got tough. We shared our joys and aches.

How times have changed! Technology has simplified some things
but complicated life in other ways.
And I can’t help remembering the feelings that I had
which makes me call those times “the good old days”.

Re: Homework for July 2022 - "Working in the Seventies"

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 11:01 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
OMG I had forgotten half of those things - our careers ran parallel it seems :lol: .... times back then, despite not having the modern conveniences, were certainly more people related I reckon.....and the clatter of those telex machines which we thought wonderful back then - who could ever forget that sound.
Enjoyed taking a walk back in the past even if it is a dead give away as to our ages. :roll: :D

Re: Homework for July 2022 - "Working in the Seventies"

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 9:02 am
by Ron
Well done Shelley, the good old days indeed, a real trip down memory lane of your early working days.
Having never worked in an office I have only heard of much of what you mention, but I certainly can relate to the era!
In a way, life seemed more free and easy back then didn’t it? Even though it was harder!

ps. On a different note, we are heading out to Willie station on Thursday. You may have already heard, but they are spreading Myra’s ashes on the property on Friday. It will be Twelve months since she passed away.
The new owners have opened up the campground and accom. again.

Re: Homework for July 2022 - "Working in the Seventies"

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 4:58 pm
by Terry
G/day Shelley

Back to those day when you learnt touch typing with a cover over the keys - Don't know if they still do that.
What was that little verse 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy sleeping dog' - or something like that.
Not that I learn't to type in my school days - most boys just didn't.

You wonder at times where the years have gone, In my case I'll never forget my years in boarding School - I hated it.
But like everyone, I had some good old days as well.

Good story Shelley and it sounds like it was fairly happy time as well.


Re: Homework for July 2022 - "Working in the Seventies"

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 12:10 am
by mummsie
Many changes indeed Shelley & as you say not all for the best😊. A good write.

It's interesting the different things that stir the soul when recalling of our youth or “The Good Old Days”as is often referred. IMO what we miss as individuals when recalling of our own beloved Good Old Days is not so much the material things they remind us of, it's the particular feelings those days evoke. And while those feelings can no longer be experienced, reminiscing gives a good whiff of times & events held dear-recollection is a wonderful thing!

Re: Homework for July 2022 - "Working in the Seventies"

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 2:31 pm
by Catherine Lee
Ah yes, so many changes, Shelley. I well remember the carbon paper in the typewriter, the telex machine, my time on a plug-in switchboard, and my first experience of a computer before Google and Office - it was just called Word Perfect 5.1!... I can also relate to the morning teas where we chatted together - such fond memories of camaraderie, and in this respect and many others, in my opinion technology is a double-edged sword.

Re: Homework for July 2022 - "Working in the Seventies"

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 6:00 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Thanks everyone for your interesting feedback - and I agree, it is the memories and lasting friendships that stamp the old days as "good", rather than material things or techniques and processes. We certainly have it a lot easier these days - but can count ourselves happy and fortunate if we made enduring friendships in our youth and in times since.
