Homework for April - Cannons of Brass

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Maureen K Clifford
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Homework for April - Cannons of Brass

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sat Apr 02, 2022 11:43 am

A step back in time for my window .....

Cannons of Brass … Maureen Clifford © The #ScribblyBarkPoet

Bread and butter cucumbers pickled in vinegar
placed by the sliced cob loaf ready for tea.
A vase of Queen Anne’s lace with white, creamy blossoms
dropped petals, like coffee foam, floral debris.
And two purple pumps cast aside with abandon,
rested by the sofa along with a glass
of Chablis, the glass stained with lip gloss on crystal.
A ship in a bottle - had cannons of brass.

On the desk near the window computer screen flickered
its blue mouse light flashing. The screen saver screen
showed slide shows of Sydney and places and people .
Departed old ghosts captured in the machine.
And one was a sailor a good looking fellow
from the age of sail – a time she’d never seen.
Was it he who set up the ship in the bottle
and polished its brass to a lustrous sheen?

Outside on the harbour were white sails a skudding
across choppy waters beneath azure sky,
dodging ferry boats plying their trade ‘cross the waters
and heard overall was the harsh seagulls cry.
And her little stone cottage there in ‘The Rocks’ Sydney,
held memories of family from long years ago,
one a boatman from the time when Sydney was settled
when convicts in chains walked the wharves down below.

When whalers – Brittania and Ocean and Speedy
were regular visitors to Sydney’s shore,
and Jervis Bay people who’d come to the settlement
were killed by some sailors in 1804.
She’d no way of knowing was her sailor one
who had taken a life of a native for sure,
but knew he had talent and was quite an artist
for inside the home was a piece of scrimshaw.

On cold windy nights when the halyards are slapping
the masts of moored yachts in syncopated sound
she finds herself wondering about her sailor
this relative who had sailed all the world round.
Imagines him carving the whale tooth she holds
in her hand, sees him sat by this window of glass
with its rough bumps and ridges, as he puts together,
a bottle, and ship, with bright cannons of brass.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Homework for April - Cannons of Brass

Post by Shelley Hansen » Sat Apr 02, 2022 3:59 pm

Fascinating view through your window to the past, Maureen!

We certainly do wonder about the lives and creeds of our ancestors who made this country home.

As I mentioned in another post, I'm back after a few weeks engaged in other pursuits - so am looking forward to delving into April's homework. It's a fascinating theme, with so many possibilities!

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

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Re: Homework for April - Cannons of Brass

Post by Terry » Sun Apr 03, 2022 4:19 pm

Very descriptive Maureen and lots of history as well.

I used to know a bloke who carved whale teeth, back in the whaling days in Albany,
the last whaling in Australia I think?

I enjoyed the view through your window back into the past -
There is history all around us if we care to take a look.


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Re: Homework for April - Cannons of Brass

Post by Ron » Mon Apr 04, 2022 7:10 pm

Really liked it Maureen! Your window into a time capsule, and once again you have painted great word pictures!
I particularly liked the line 'Departed old ghosts captured in the machine.' to me it set the scene of your visit into history.
And it all flowed so well with the rhyming pattern you have used.
Well done!

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework for April - Cannons of Brass

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon Apr 18, 2022 7:18 pm

This is delightful, Maureen! What a wonderful mix of history and images, and it flows beautifully. Like Ron, I too like that line, and these ones are also particularly evocative for me:

On cold windy nights when the halyards are slapping
the masts of moored yachts in syncopated sound

I like the way you've ended it by bringing 'cannons of brass' back into your final line too. A really enjoyable poem, and I've read it several times over. Well done!

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Re: Homework for April - Cannons of Brass

Post by mummsie » Wed May 04, 2022 12:01 pm

Love this Maureen, I can visualise you there so clearly lost in thought, such is the way you've set the scene through that first verse. Wouldn't it be fascinating to walk in our ancestors shoes for just one day! Great imagery!

I'm currently reading about life on board The Ninevah which my Great Grandfather immigrated to Australia on in 1877, so interesting!

the door is always open, the kettles always on, my shoulders here to cry on, i'll not judge who's right or wrong.

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