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Homework March: Spirit of Ukraine

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 2:12 pm
by Catherine Lee
Spirit of Ukraine

It happened in a minute and defied all sane belief—
a rush of sound, sheer madness—now a lifetime filled with grief
appears to stretch before us with no end in sight to see—
and who to turn to? Who will show us mercy, hear our plea?

We’re cold and hungry, homeless, helpless, filled with unknown fears;
the very earth beneath our feet is swamped with falling tears.
We trudge through countryside towards a future we can’t know—
confusion, pain and anger swirls - we didn’t want to go!

We know you stand behind us, though at times your hands are tied—
the threat of global chaos simply cannot be denied.
But where are rainbows, light and hope, and peace we knew before?
How long must this go on? What does the future hold in store?

Our lives, our homes are left behind, swept up in greed and hate—
no valid reason for this war - one choice controls our fate.
Brought low by lust for power, callous acts and brute neglect—
yet knowing we’re still fighting brings us strength and self-respect.

Our gratitude for caring thoughts, your protests, prayers and rage;
we know you watch in horror this vile mark on history’s page.
Remember splendid valour though—defenders who remain—
for this shall stand forever as the Spirit of Ukraine.

© Catherine Lee, 2022

Re: Homework March: Spirit of Ukraine

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:45 pm
by David Judge
Another gem Catherine- profoundly poignant, passionate and proscriptive!

Re: Homework March: Spirit of Ukraine

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 5:38 pm
by Ron
Hi Catherine,
Another of your poems that flows so beautifully and says so much!
Each stanza relays a message of profound, grim reality and you have made such great use of the prompts too.
A brilliant poem Catherine!

Re: Homework March: Spirit of Ukraine

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 5:54 pm
by Catherine Lee
Wow, what a couple of truly wonderful, warm responses - thank you so very much, David and Ron!

Re: Homework March: Spirit of Ukraine

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:49 pm
by Gary Harding
You certainly write with power and intensity Catherine.
Your poem Spirit of Ukraine is no exception.

I think it is quite remarkable and unique ... the way you write verse.
I apologise to you, but unfortunately I cannot comment on your subject matter as I do not follow the conflict at all in the press.

I am sure that what you say in your poem about it is true.. it is all terrible...with sadness and misery, of course. It is a well-written poem.

"...lust for power, callous acts and brute neglect" Strong terms. Where do you get them from!? I used to have neighbours that had loud fights and some of their imaginative expressions were very strong too.. mostly unrepeatable ones though. ha.

A lot of emotion is expressed in Spirit of Ukraine, being an emotional topic presumably. I find it a little overwhelming but then I am ignorant of The Russo/Ukrainian Conflict. If I took the time to know more (and I don't have that time or space in my head for it) ... perhaps I would be equally fired up like you, so I am sorry.

But then as an excuse, I am preoccupied with my own private Major War at present (The Australian Cultural Centre Project) and that is happening right here.. in Australia. A big on-going battle for Australians.

When you write Bush Ballads then I am always keen because I am a simple-minded fellow when it comes to poetry and so always enjoy yours immensely. Always.

Your happy bush poems in a positive, upbeat, measured style are definitely your strength. You must do more in that vein Catherine.
You certainly get your powerful message across in your poems using plenty of punchy expressions. Never dull, that is for sure.. Gary

Re: Homework March: Spirit of Ukraine

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 11:42 am
by Terry
Hi Catherine

I think it's all been said by the previous comments,
So I'll just say well done, as usual.


Re: Homework March: Spirit of Ukraine

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:09 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
WOW! An excellent response and and excellent write - as always Catherine you deliver. Your words are powerful - well done

Re: Homework March: Spirit of Ukraine

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 6:35 pm
by Catherine Lee
Thanks so much, Gary, Terry and Maureen for your very kind and supportive words. You really do me good, especially at times when my pen is frustratingly still! I so much appreciate my encouraging friends on this Forum!