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Homework 22 February 2022 - Dear Me

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 4:18 pm
by Shelley Hansen
(c) Shelley Hansen 2022

Dear Me, I am writing this letter, inviting
your young teenage self to lend ear.
Life’s yours for the taking, a new dawn is breaking,
but let me be perfectly clear
that hindsight’s bright vision can’t change one decision
that’s made in the wrong mental gear.

Contrition will billow when head hits the pillow.
Mistakes made by others before,
though lasting or fleeting, do not need repeating
by you. You can learn from a score
of those whose example is certainly ample
to teach you what risks lie in store.

Don’t dread your tomorrow. Though there will be sorrow,
the laughter will transcend the pain.
You’ll find true love waiting, with marriage creating
a partnership you will maintain.
You’ll grow old together, with bonds that will weather
life storms – never fearing the rain.

When issues are mounted, stand up and be counted!
Don’t run with the hare, hunt with hounds.
Be honest and truthful, and stay ever-youthful
at heart, where your spirit abounds.
If trials are distressing, get lost in the blessing
of music’s ethereal sounds.

Be kind and be caring with those who are sharing
your life. Don’t neglect to take time.
If you are extending to those who are bending
and falling behind on the climb,
you’ll find that the giving enhances the living,
restoring life’s rhythm and rhyme.

Keep on with your writing! You'll find some exciting
developments lying ahead.
From early beginnings, there may be some winnings
for verse boxed up under your bed!
But it will be ages before these few pages
become a collection that’s read.

Dear Me, coming seasons will teach you the reasons
that choices should always be wise.
I know you’re not hearing, and cannot be peering
at life through my faded blue eyes.
Just go on believing in all you’re achieving,
And most of all – reach for the skies!

Re: Homework 22 February 2022 - Dear Me

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 9:34 am
by Terry
Sounds like some good advice there Shelley.

If only we could go back - I wonder if things would have been different,
some how I doubt it.
We are what we are, always destined to make the same choices and mistakes as well.
On the bright side we are also blessed with having our own uniqueness,
that's what makes us what we are.



Re: Homework 22 February 2022 - Dear Me

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 4:03 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Indeed, yes, Terry - you are so right!

Thanks for the positive feedback.


Re: Homework 22 February 2022 - Dear Me

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 5:15 pm
by Catherine Lee
Oh yes, Shelley, very well done! Excellent advice and as always, expressed in an excellent way. Love the: If trials are distressing, get lost in the blessing of music’s ethereal sounds.....And of course, Stay ever youthful at heart - as this is very important for body, mind and spirit. Great ending also - this is delightful.

Re: Homework 22 February 2022 - Dear Me

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 6:58 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Thanks so much Catherine, that's lovely feedback.

Yep, young at heart's the key, isn't it? Reminds me of the old song ...

Don't you know that it's worth every treasure on earth to be young at heart?
For as rich as you are, it's much better by far to be young at heart!

(by Johnny Richards and Carolyn Leigh - written 1954)

Shelley :D

Re: Homework 22 February 2022 - Dear Me

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:11 pm
by mummsie
Great poem Shelley!
Love the rhyming pattern here, it really suits the “mood” the poem evokes. Some lovely lines here as well. I particularly like “Contrition will billow when head hits the pillow”, haven’t we all been there a time or two! Also love the term “coming seasons” in reference to what lies ahead. Well done!

Like Terry I often wonder if we’d do things the same if given a second chance-more than likely not I suspect.😊

Thanks for sharing Shelley.


Re: Homework 22 February 2022 - Dear Me

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:29 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Greetings Sue!

How lovely to hear from you and thank you so much for your positive feedback. Yes, Maureen certainly got us all thinking with this month's prompts, and I guess now that we have our youth behind us, we are coming up with similar recollections - things we'd change, things we'd repeat if given the chance.


Re: Homework 22 February 2022 - Dear Me

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 11:03 am
by Maureen K Clifford
What they said :lol: Totally agree it's a beaut write Shelley. Well done

Re: Homework 22 February 2022 - Dear Me

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 4:32 pm
by Ron
Ah yes Shelley, well done! it flowed beautifully with great well crafted lines!
And things certainly do have a different perspective through ''faded blue eyes'' don't they! Really liked it.

Hopefully will get pen to paper over the next few days, we have just returned home from a trip out West that included some great walk up events at the Banjo festival at Orange.


Re: Homework 22 February 2022 - Dear Me

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 6:35 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Thanks Maureen - as usual, it's all down to your prompts! Keep them coming!

Thanks Ron - heard about the Banjo Festival - hope you had a great time.
