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2022 - Expressions of interest

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 11:00 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break and are facing the New Year with optimism. Also hope each and every one of you has managed to avoid Covid and its strains, or at least if you have caught it, that you are making a good recovery. Worrying times for us all and not over by a long shot.

Just wondering who is up for the challenge for the next 12 months with our writing workshop - Do we continue????????

Let me know your thoughts, as I have a couple of 'different' ideas we can try.



Re: 2022 - Expressions of interest

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 4:05 pm
by Ron
Hi Maureen,
And all the best to you for the New Year.
I don't mind having another go this year if there is enough interest shown. Looks like it has been rather quiet of late though.
Cheers Ron.

Re: 2022 - Expressions of interest

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 5:36 pm
by Catherine Lee
I love the exercises, Maureen...I know I'm not always on top of them for one reason or another, but I sincerely believe they are so good for us all, even if we can't complete them on time or file them away for some time down the track.... As you know, some prizewinning poems have started life thanks to your prompts as well, which says a lot!

Re: 2022 - Expressions of interest

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 6:49 pm
by Terry
Hi Maureen

Yes I will be in it and look forward to catching up with everybody again.

I'm on holiday at Peaceful Bay and for awhile thought I may not be able to logon, but all is well.



Re: 2022 - Expressions of interest

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:22 pm
by mummsie
Hello to all
I'll do my best to support you. I haven't written anything for sometime but maybe this is the year!! A big congratulations to you all for your ongoing
contributions, especially you Maureen. Your ongoing contributions to this site are to be applauded-well done!


Re: 2022 - Expressions of interest

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 12:40 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Thank you all - lets go with it shall we - I have put a shout out onto the ARP FB page as well to see if we can coerce some of our supporters from there to join us.

I have assured them as follows -
There have been more that a few prize written poems come from our Writing Workshop, and the people who currently inhabit our room are extremely friendly, non judgemental and always willing to offer help and suggestions if they are asked.
Our numbers are somewhat small sadly and I would love to build those numbers up and help other new poets along with their journey. So if you have ever wanted to write poetry but think you can't, or you already write poetry and think it is not good enough to share - you'd be wrong on both counts.
Why not drop on by and say g'day and if you like what you see come on in, pull up a chair and join in. I promise not one of us bites, and most of us are now too old to even run fast 🙂 but we do have many years of experience under our belt and more than a few prize winning poets amongst us who are very happy to share any knowledge that has been gained over the years.
Might ease into the year with a stock standard set of prompts, but I do have a couple of ideas up my sleeve and if anyone else wants to put up some ideas as well please do. We all work well as a team, and I am hoping to get another collaborative poem going amongst as all as we have had a lot of fun with those.

Stay tuned - the next writing exercise should pop up shortly .... just organizing my ducks. :lol:

Re: 2022 - Expressions of interest

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 8:46 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Hi Maureen

I'm a bit tardy with my reply - but I think you already know my views, which mirror those already expressed - yes, please let's continue as long as you are happy to do so.

Like Catherine, I find the exercises invaluable, and the prompts are often the crucible for prize-winning poems. Even when they don't progress, they often generate other ideas that do.

Onward and upward!


Re: 2022 - Expressions of interest

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:02 pm
by Ron
Just like to say to Sue, great to see you back participating :D , hope you have been keeping well.