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Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:23 pm
by Maureen K Clifford

There are ropes and chains that bind us though by others they’re not seen.
Some are cords of silk and paper, there are some with golden gleam.
There are good reasons for staying, but also good ones to leave
for a heart though it be willing, cannot if uncared for cleave.

There are some so soft and gentle, some with hearts as cold as ice.
Some you’d give your life to stay with, others well they aren’t as nice.
There is love and warmth and passion, there’s the depths of dark despair
if you’ve felt it you’d remember and not forget you had been there.

Guns and roses are the symbol, one is soft sweetly perfumed
whilst the other hard cold metal and not welcome in the room.
One speaks to all of beauty, velvet petals, colours bright
whilst the other’s a death bringer – anytime, both day and night.

Thick pelts of fur are warming and so soft against ones cheek
but their owner lost a life fulfilling the pleasure you seek.
Whilst a rose will go on growing though its scented flower you pluck
it will pleasure you for years to come – but guns can run amuck.

It’s a time of sad awakening when you realize love has flown
and the one you loved is not the one with whom you share a home.
Angry words and confrontations, lack of harmony and respect
are no way to live a life and so these actions I reject.

There are ropes and chains that bind us though by others they’re not seen
and sometimes we too cant see them – we just know we’ve lost the dream
that defined who we were yesterday – there’s just a desolate road ahead.
Is this the picture from your window? Is this the thought within your head?

The first step is the hardest – and God knows we make mistakes
but they say the tree that doesn’t bend – well that’s the tree that breaks.
But if you know you’ve done your best – well let’s just take it as read.
Seems it’s time to take a hike my friend – let your feet forward tread.

Maureen Clifford © 04/11


Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:17 pm
by Bob Pacey
There are ropes and chains that bind us though by others they’re not seen

Love this line Maureen. Been there done that.

Sometimes it's hard to move on but we all cart our baggage with us.

A thoughtful poem. Well done.



Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:52 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Thanks Bob - a few of us know that road I suspect




Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:08 pm
by Terry
Hi Maureen,
I reckon there are a lot of good lines in that one.
I found myself in a country music mode while reading it.
It has all the ingredients of a good country music song.



Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:05 pm
by Heather
A very thought provoking poem Maureen. It's a real good one.



Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:32 pm
by jakkimay
Wow Maureen! Great poem! Haven't been on the forum for awhile; been too busy with other things, but, my goodness, how many of us can relate to your words? Loved it!


Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:53 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Thank you Terry Heather and jakkimay - happy you got something out of it. Next to dogs and poetry Terry Country music is my passion . I reckon quite a bit of my stuff is sometimes more a song than a poem but seems no one else hears the music :lol: :lol:

