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Homework topic ending 280211

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:32 pm
by Bellobazza
This is a bit of a cheat... :o ...this poem wasn't written for the homework topic, BUT, it fits exactly with the 'high country' prompt, AND, by coincidence I had mentioned it recently on another thread.
So, that's my excuse for posting it here. I will understand if it is disqualified under the rools and leave it to the green gods to determine its final resting place.

High-Country Hike © Will Moody 2010

Kosciusko has a mantle of snow,
now that winter is flexing its grip.
As the fresh breeze abates, laboured breathing creates
a frosting of ice on my lip.

Under brilliant blue skies, with familiar surprise,
I drink in the High-country show.
A short moment to rest, one quick glance to the crest,
and onward and upwards I go.

In the cold crystal light, all the colours are bright
on the trunks of the snow-gum tableau;
weirdly shaped by a song, slow and ancient and strong,
only sap, soil and sinew can know.

And it seems I can hear, as the summit draws near,
phantom words of a whispered refrain,
that keep urging me on ’til I'm standing upon
the top of the world once again.

All the hubbub that drowns us in cities and towns;
all confusion and care melts away.
My horizons expand to encompass the land...
and I’m top of the world...for a day.

Re: Homework topic ending 280211

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:49 pm
by william williams
To hell with what they say mate that tale will do me I love it

bill the old battler

Re: Homework topic ending 280211

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:23 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Will that is lovely - takes you there.

Rules - do we have rules? I thought this was just a fun think to sharpen us all up a bit. Having said which it is time to post a few more up, but I don't have any problem with what you have posted I think it is great.

