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Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:12 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Well no one shot me down in flames re using multiple topics and we had some beaut submissions. thank you to those who participated. So will give it another shot. What do you think???

We are past Valentines Day so no mushy topics - bet that makes the blokes happy - will try to avoid the D, C and H content as well - not easy for me. Floods and cyclones have been done - I am struggling here folks - so, let me see, how about?????

the sands of time

beloved soldiers

all dreams denied

high country



Love them or hate them, there they are. Use one, use all - entirely up to you. OK pens poised???? Paper ready? Computers on?? You're off - and racing...or at least I hope you are. :lol:

Just post your poem as a separate post with the heading - HOMEWORK TOPIC TO 280211 and then the title of your poem - Makes it easier to keep them grouped.




Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:54 pm
by Zondrae
G'day Maureen,

I have been rather slack in that I have not been contributing to your homework topics. Pardon me for this please. I find when you give so many different cues, I can't get a grip on it. I would prefer only two or three. (Or even better, just one) I am also trying to re-write some half written poems. I don't have anything decent to send to comps but then I thought I had some good ones last year and I flopped so I guess I'm no judge. There are two that I think may be a little better than the rest and I am working them up. Hope I am happy with them by entry time.

I have also been practising for a couple of performances coming up. Plus Ukulele practice at least an hour every day. Then there is the usual house chores and Sitting on (or with, or for) the Grandkids. All keeps me away from the keyboard. (excuses, excuses) now If I could sleep less or somehow make some time........