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Homework w/e 10/12 'Who Let the Dogs Out?'

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:11 am
by jakkimay
I know I'm a bit late, but who had time to think before Christmas??? Certainly, not me. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, filled with love, joy and peace. JM

‘Who Let the Dogs Out?’

‘Who let the dogs out?’ I shouted once in dismay.
I’d put them in their pen; they’d had their morning play.
Now they’re hunting, with my chickens in their sight.
I’ll catch the little scoundrels and some faults they’ll right.

‘Who let the dogs out?’ I bellowed loudly again,
as I rushed to get the chickens back in the pen.
I’m not used to running and, almost out of breath,
I was so convinced I was facing certain death.

I’d run ‘round the yard and got chickens safely penned
I knew two grandkids with some actions to defend.
The dogs were all covered in mud from head to toe,
the same as the chickens, no longer white as snow.

I cleaned and hosed the chickens as best as I could
then bathed the dogs until they looked the way they should.
I first checked the coop to confirm it was secure
then latched the dog pen testing the lock to be sure.

I sat on a tree stump to fill my lungs with air
then glanced towards the dog pen and to my despair
the culprit was smiling. I watched through tired eyes,
as she unlatched the gate, which took me by surprise.

Who let the dogs out? I was shocked to discover
it wasn’t the grandkids, not one or the other.
My innocent looking dog had unlatched the gate,
as I sat in silence, contemplating her fate.

I pondered awhile on what her future would be.
Perhaps another farm would be her destiny.
But, I couldn’t discard her, nor could I despise
especially when she looks with those big doleful eyes.

© Jakki May #231

Re: Homework w/e 10/12 'Who Let the Dogs Out?'

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:51 am
by Irene
Hey Jakki
how coincidental is that???? I started writing a poem - but didn't get it finished - and mine also was about a dog that opened the gate!!!
We don't have chooks, so he didn't chase the chooks, but he certainly learnt to open the gate of the yard and get himself, and his mates out. The gate now has an extra wire on it, but still he tries!!!

Enjoyed your poem.


Re: Homework w/e 10/12 'Who Let the Dogs Out?'

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:35 am
by jakkimay
Coincidence indeed! Thanks for your comments.
