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IN A SIX HORSE POLICE FORCE SLEIGH homework w/e 26.12.11

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:21 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
In a six horse police force sleigh.

He was seen by the unseeing, and acknowledged by the few
who still in their hearts held kindness and judged not what others do.
There was no illumination or joyfulness in his eyes
he sat slumped, alone and lonely. All around him Christmas cries.

The three buskers on the corner sang the carols of good cheer,
from the Mall came Christmas music, from the pub the smell of beer.
Christmas shoppers hurried, scurried, through streets full of Christmas lights.
None acknowledging the stranger – all unseeing of his plight.

A friendly voice he heard beside him, then his shoulder felt the touch.
To those with nothing just a simple smile can mean so much.
A cup of coffee proffered – a steaming hot and fragrant brew.
He raised his eyes to thank the giver – recognized the suit of blue.

Kindly eyes looked down upon him, they were crinkled by the smile
on the lips of the blue angel, golden haired and all the while
people passed , though now all saw him – wondered why he had been caught.
There were none who knew the kindness this young constable had bought.

‘It’s a hard life living rough mate on these busy city streets
I thought you might like a coffee - it’s a chance to rest my feet.
There’s a spare bed at the shelter I checked a minute ago
if you’d like a lift we’ll take you, it’s not all that far you know.’

He considered for a moment and then gave a rakish grin
and said ‘thank you very kindly I thought you might run me in.
I accept your generous offer – and I like your bright red sleigh
with tartan trim and flashing light dear – that will really make my day.’

So together they moved slowly down the busy city mall
to the waiting six horse chariot, driven by her blue garbed pal.
With a wave to the onlookers he drove regally away,
headed for the homeless shelter – in the six horse police force sleigh.

Maureen Clifford © 12/11

Re: IN A SIX HORSE POLICE FORCE SLEIGH homework w/e 26.12.1

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:27 pm
by Rimeriter
Bloody great, mate.

Re: IN A SIX HORSE POLICE FORCE SLEIGH homework w/e 26.12.1

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:12 pm
by mummsie
I love it Maureen. :) :)

Re: IN A SIX HORSE POLICE FORCE SLEIGH homework w/e 26.12.1

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:09 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Thank you Jim and Sue...IMO our boys and girls in blue deserve a pat on the back. They have a lot to put up with all year round but Christmas time seems especially taxing, and most of them give up time with their own families to try to keep our roads safe and have to also deal with the tragedies that unfold there. Next time you see a copper on the beat give them a smile and a Christmas greeting. Costs nothing but means much.

Re: IN A SIX HORSE POLICE FORCE SLEIGH homework w/e 26.12.1

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:18 am
by Rimeriter
I have been fortunate, the only association I have had with our 'Coppers' have been positive ones.

Even so, one of the local residents tells me of many negative situations, one must assume they are in the minority.