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Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:32 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Thanks to all those who participated in the last fortnights Christmas theme which generated some good poems IMO

We are well and truly in the silly season now and no doubt most people are frantically shopping and cooking and preparing for the big day which hopefully they will be spending with loved ones and friends.

But as you go your merry way spare a thought for those less fortunate in our society and those to whom Christmas is not a happy time of year but rather a time of sadness. Perhaps they have lost a partner or child or maybe ill fortune or bad health has been their lot in life. These people perhaps need a smile and a comforting word more than most.

And of course the animals always need help at Christmas. So many uncaring owners who should IMO never be allowed to even own a goldfish, just dump their pets on the streets at this time of year because they (the owners) are going away on holidays. Pet shelters are inundated at this time of year – and a can of dog food placed into the supermarket pet baskets is a great help as are used blankets and old towels. It is amazing how many towels pet shelters go through, washing flea ridden animals when they are admitted.

This year my son, daughter in law and moi have adopted an orang utang. His name is Wiggly and he is only 2 1/2 years old. This is our Christmas gift and my two girls are sending a little something along to our local animal shelter to help their cousins in unfortunate circumstances. It was only 5 years ago that my 2 girls were found abandoned and abused and ended up in an animal shelter. Now they help other dogs and cats each year by sharing a little of their dog biccy fund.

So the prompts I have chosen this week for you will I hope give you an idea for a poem, of kindness and love and compassion…..



Living rough
Seen by the unseeing
A friendly voice
the end of hope
a smile can mean so much to those with nothing