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Chrissie homework w/e 12/12 - Ho! Ho! - Bloody Ho!

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:28 am
by Leonie
I haven't posted anything now for a while, (out of inspiration), but this morning ... :x
it was just something he said. :twisted: :D

And let's face it, a big fan of Christmas, I am NOT ... busy shops, screaming kids, decorations, grumble, grumble

Ho! Ho! - Bloody Ho!
Leonie Parker © 2011

I haven’t put the tree up ‘cause it’s been too bloody hot
and I’ve put off Christmas shopping, ‘cause a fan of that I’m not.
And although I love the comfort of the air conditioned air
at my local shopping centre, I’ve no wish to venture there.
Just the thought of busy car parks and the screaming under fives
is enough to make me break out in a nasty case of hives.

But it’s been a little cooler for a day or two or three,
and there’s no time like the present so I grabbed the plastic tree
and my hubby being ‘helpful’ hummed a little Christmas song
as he supervised my efforts pointing out where I’d gone wrong.

It all started with the tree lights they were in a tangled mess
and his highness in his wisdom said that I should acquiesce
and admit I had been careless when I packed the things away.
He denied he was the one who packed them up last Boxing Day.

So to make a lengthy story a much shorter tale to tell,
seems that I’ll be spending Christmas in an air conditioned cell
and my dinner will be catered, with no cooking chores for me,
and I probably won’t even have to decorate the tree.
There will be no screaming toddlers and no relatives or fights
and next year no bloody arguments ‘bout who packed up the lights.

Re: Chrissie homework w/e 12/12 - Ho! Ho! - Bloody Ho!

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:08 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Throw the bloody lights away, follow up with the tree - problem solvered and book into the local pub for Christmas Dinner. works for me and obviously you didn't score the personal parking place at Riverlink the local paper was offering last week?? Me either :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Chrissie homework w/e 12/12 - Ho! Ho! - Bloody Ho!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:39 pm
by Neville Briggs
In a cell!!! WOW you women are vicious . :lol:
( cells ain't air conditioned, sorry about that Leonie, you'd better behave :lol: )

Great one Leonie, loved it. :lol:

Re: Chrissie homework w/e 12/12 - Ho! Ho! - Bloody Ho!

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:17 pm
by Heather
I love it Leonie!

Well, on the bright side, you won't have to cook! :lol:

Heather :)