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homework we 29/08 Freindship Beyond Price.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:31 pm
by Wendy Seddon
In third grade back in sixty-six, I can’t say that we ‘met’,
at least not in an adult way but still our friendship set.
We grew together through the years of dolls and pups and toys
we giggled, heads together as we talked of love and boys.

You’d find us in the back row of the movies or of class,
and somehow without studying, we’d end up with a pass!
The café on a Saturday, the ‘hang-out’ of the day,
was where I heard all kinds of things my mother wouldn’t say!

The cockys’ sons came into town just once a week you see,
so sitting in the ‘Monterey’ was right where we should be.
We knew each Harley by its grunt, each Sandman’s unique sound,
we knew each muddy ute and truck that cruised the town around.

A pact was made to leave that town before it claimed our souls,
we headed off into the world, pursuing private goals.
I married first, she married next, but neither marriage held,
and so again into the single’s world we were propelled.

Two children each the diff’rence now each looking to their mum,
to ease them through the battlefield of what was life to come.
My girlfriend fought rebellious teens, the kind who break your heart,
I fought the ‘black dog’ and despair ‘till I tore them apart!

We do not have to talk each day, or constantly confide,
but know appeals for help will bring each to the others side.
No need for explanation or revisits to old pain,
we faithfully believe that each will make things right again.

Our friendship now has stood the test of time and joy and tears
we’ve been there for each other for just over forty years.
New challenges come forth each day to bend but never break
because our friendship strengthens us, each others load to take.

Re: homework we 29/08 Freindship Beyond Price.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:05 pm
by Terry
G/day Owly
Lovely poem that describes mate-ship to a 'T'


Re: homework we 29/08 Freindship Beyond Price.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:30 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Superb poem Owly - well done



Re: homework we 29/08 Freindship Beyond Price.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:33 pm
by Heather
Lovely poem Owly. YOu are so lucky to have a friend like that. It's a very precious thing friendship.

Heather :)

Re: homework we 29/08 Freindship Beyond Price.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:37 pm
by Bob Pacey
Well that's a ripper. Now I'm not much of a one for compliments but it is a bottler

Keep it up Bob