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Along The Road To Paraburdoo

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 5:56 pm
by Terry
Hi Maureen,
Just had time for this little one, (it's a bit rushed.)
You will notice I have fudged in the first line and used an extra syllable to try and fit in ‘Paraburdoo’. - Terry

Along the road to Paraburdoo

The red dust swirls as I roar through, along the road to Paraburdoo,
and coats the leaves of nearby trees an ugly shade of reddish brown.
I reach The hard-top with relief from corrugations and their grief
and settle back in comfort now, along the bitumen to town.

The Hardy River is nearby, a twisting channel that’s bone dry
and strangers may not understand, how quickly things can change out here.
Just months ago this was in flood; its raging waters stained with mud,
and for awhile there were big pools, but soon the waters disappear.

Corellas white though some look brown now take to wing then settle down,
disturbed by eagles flying high who glide serenely overhead.
A half starved cow still chews a tree ignoring all including me,
it looks as though it needs to feed or join the legions of the dead.

Now soon the town will be in view but first steep hills must be passed through,
their craggy summits look so bleak above a gorge where night winds shriek.
A brooding mountain overlooks where man has carved a peaceful nook;
hacked out of unforgiving land - there lies the town below its peak.


© T.E. Piggott 29/5/2011

Re: Along The Road To Paraburdoo

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 8:22 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Love it and you got the Corellas right not totally white :lol: :lol: :lol: Suspect your eagles were meant to be on the prowl although that's a bit strange :lol: :lol: no doubt they are male eagles :?

Enjoyed the read Terry - thank you



Re: Along The Road To Paraburdoo

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:28 pm
by Terry
High Maureen,
Good point I'll have them stalking next, so made a change, what do you reckon.

Cheers Terry

Re: Along The Road To Paraburdoo

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:35 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Now you're talking :lol: that works for me

