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Gonna Fly This Coop

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:21 pm
by Heather
Thought I'd attempt this from a different angle just for fun!

Gonna Fly this Coop

This guilded cage is stifling and monotony is rife;
a voice is yelling loud and clear, “There must be more to life!”

I think the time has come to step outside and stretch my wings,
to test the water, tour the world and see what fortune brings.

I’ll preen and fluff my feathers and I’ll proudly strut my stuff;
I’ll shed my fears and skinny dip; Oh horror, that’s enough! :shock:

So watch me belly dance to freedom; write my way to fame;
I’m headed for the exit door; I’m tired of being tame!

Might cause a spot of trouble and could land me in the poop,
I’m gonna test my restless wings; I’m gonna fly this coop! ;)

©Heather Knight 10 November 2010

Re: Gonna Fly This Coop

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:54 pm
by Terry
Hey Good One Heather,

Look out everybody, Heather is going to cut loose.

Cheers Terry

Re: Gonna Fly This Coop

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:33 pm
by Trisha Patterson
Great Heather...I like it! You've just expressed what a lot of us women probably think from time to time!


Re: Gonna Fly This Coop

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:39 pm
by Heather
Thanks Terry and Trisha. Every time I have a "moment" with my fifteen year old daughter I am tempted to run away from home. So, so tempting....

Heather :x

Re: Gonna Fly This Coop

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:02 am
by Zondrae
Gee Heather,

Let loose? How could you ever do that? Aren't you bothered that the ratio of the number of people who know you that will see you is directly related to the outrageousness of what you are doing. This is one of the tools I used to remind my teenagers (as they were then) that they should behave. Someone who knows you will see you and report to whoever you fear the most.

I think I have been so repressed in my lifetime that I can only remember one night (a country ball) that I could actually enjoy myself with reckless abandon.

Re: Gonna Fly This Coop

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:12 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Take up Belly dancing Zondrae - I believe it is extremely liberating :lol:

Good one Heather - are you going to put on your hat and paint the town red? -can I come?

OMG :o I just realized you mentioned a 15 year old daughter - You don't look much older than that yourself girl or have perhaps your photos been digitally enhanced and airbrushed? :mrgreen:



Re: Gonna Fly This Coop

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:32 am
by Heather
Zondrae the trick is that you have your friends with you and then they can't tell! When I was younger I used to think of what my grandmother would think if she knew I was doing something. You never want to disappoint your grandmother. Now I have to try not to embarrass my kids! I'm not succeeding too well.

Belly dancing is a hoot - but oh how the hips ache the next day! You would love it Maureen and of course you can come, wouldn't be a party without you!

No airbrushing Maureen, the photo is far enough away that you can't see the grey.

Speaking of photos - where is yours?

Heather ;)

Re: Gonna Fly This Coop

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:40 am
by Zondrae
and where is mine,

I have tried to send it to Manfred twice and the first time he answered "There you go". The second time no answer..

I asked my daughter how to reduce the size of the original so I will try to put it up by myself. Fingers crossed.

Re: Gonna Fly This Coop

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:08 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Heather I hesitate to share my beauty with you for fear it might bedazzle you and incite uncontrollable passions within the hearts of the male members of our illustrious group - and quite apart from that like Zondrae I can't get it to work or make the picture look small enough and my bum is not even in it. :o

Tried Leonies tip about letting the 90 pixies in but they didn't want to play either :cry:



Re: Gonna Fly This Coop

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:01 am
by Kym
Great poem Heather, I know how you feel. Like Zondrae, I was raised with that "what will the neighbours think?" attidude. To be honest though, I don't want to bust loose - I enjoy being left alone. I always say that when I grow up I wanna be a hermit!

Zondrae, email me your piccie and I will shrink it for ya' and send it back.
