H'work for March 2022 - GLOBAL MISMANAGEMENT

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Maureen K Clifford
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H'work for March 2022 - GLOBAL MISMANAGEMENT

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sun Mar 06, 2022 8:27 am

GLOBAL MISMANAGEMENT ... © Maureen Clifford The #ScribblyBarkPoet

The world's become a darker place, lives are turned upside down,
as fear and desperation reigns across many a town
and village ... people's faces saddened, scared eyes wet with tears.
The children traumatized. How will we ever calm their fears?

It's hard to get a grip on facts that seem so out of place.
We're modern folk, in modern times, this action a disgrace.
The world has never shared such knowledge as we have today
and yet we go to war again - man's madness on display.

The Russian Bear is heard to roar- it echoes round the world.
Stock markets plummet, sanctions bite, insults and threats are hurled
as a minute of madness becomes a lifetime of grief
with cities decimated an act that beggars belief .

Armed villagers made roadblocks out of tractors , out of trucks.
Opposition unexpected but it will rely on luck.
Mig 29 jet fighters roared - flying low overhead
A rush of sound that gave some hope to those who wait in dread.

A nuclear reactor targeted - what folly is this?
The world looks on in horror. We teeter on the abyss.
While roads are choked and crumbling, blocked by abandoned cars
as people try to escape from the human abattoir.

They're homeless, helpless, humbled - fearful for their families.
The men will fight with all their might - women and children flee
Where are the rainbows? There are none - there never are in war.
Will future generations ask "What were they fighting for?"

Russia will bear the consequence of this unprovoked attack.
Ukrainians will not give up they'll stand and they'll fight back
but all the world will suffer as a result of this war ....
we all have but one earth to share - we all should love it more.

Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Re: H'work for March 2022 - GLOBAL MISMANAGEMENT

Post by Ron » Tue Mar 08, 2022 6:42 pm

A good summation there of the whole tragic scene Maureen, well done!
Also with strong poignant lines. A sobering one for me was: 'The children traumatized. How will we ever calm their fears?'
For I had just seen a little fella on the news, probably about Ten years old, bawling his eyes out, alone and terrified and obviously not knowing where he was walking to.
Only one of the many innocent victims of that sinister cold hearted madman!
Enjoyed the read thankyou,

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Re: H'work for March 2022 - GLOBAL MISMANAGEMENT

Post by Terry » Sat Mar 12, 2022 8:35 pm

You have summed it up well Maureen - sheer madness.

Like you I think of the innocents - the children, and their mothers trying to get them to safety.
I also see the old ones, and how people try to help them in any way the can,
it's obvious that they are loved and appreciated by their families.

so many sad moments, and acts of great courage - I just hope it's not all in vain.
There will be no winners here - but it's the ordinary folk who will suffer the most - as always.


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Catherine Lee
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Re: H'work for March 2022 - GLOBAL MISMANAGEMENT

Post by Catherine Lee » Tue Mar 15, 2022 1:50 pm

This really does sum it up, Maureen, and I agree with Ron and Terry that you've come up with some excellent lines. The Russian Bear is heard to roar- it echoes round the world. Yes indeed....and The world looks on in horror. We teeter on the abyss. - This is so scarily true. The last line of that final stanza is the feeling of most of us - If only this were the case!

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