Homework 5th April - Dim Recollection

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Catherine Lee
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Homework 5th April - Dim Recollection

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:00 pm

I thought I'd posted this already but I must've been in a daze...wouldn't be the first time! Anyway, it turns out I HAVE passed through this area after all. It was just once, very brief, and many years ago...so this is addressed to you all, with thanks for ringing the distant bells of memory!

Dim Recollection

You’ve written of a place between the Coorong and the sea—
a special place now ringing bells in distant memory,
reminding me how once, just briefly on a summer’s day
we passed the National Park and saw such birdlife there at play;
those oystercatchers, pelicans and teals attracted me—
all safe within their refuge where the Murray met the sea.
A peaceful languor reigned and there was stillness all around,
the birdsong as they flew or splashed about the only sound.

We’d driven through a heatwave that had beggared all belief—
the ruthless sun a spy in sky presenting no relief.
But with your words, I’m picturing the contrast of a scene
where frenzied winds are howling and it’s not at all serene.
I too can clearly see the bending boobyalla bush,
and feel the ocean swelling with its endless pull and push,
as if these images are lying right before my eyes
whilst thick black fog of rolling smoke approaches from the skies.

Instead of calm and silence there’s white water, misty spray,
sand flying through the air and nature’s wild side on display!...
Mere stop along the road back then, I’m eager to explore
when next we travel down that way, and learn a whole lot more
of history and complex wetlands—threatened now it seems—
endangered habitats and species, loss of flow in streams;
return to view again that most enchanting sanctuary
where Murray meets the ocean, and the birds fly wild and free.

© Catherine Lee, March 2021

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Homework 5th April - Dim Recollection

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:27 am

A beaut write Catherine - love how your words effectively changed the scene from bright and sunshine to dark and stormy. You have made excellent use of the prompts in this poem. Well done.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Gary Harding
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Re: Homework 5th April - Dim Recollection

Post by Gary Harding » Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:54 am

Catherine... I agree with Maureen...a lovely description of your experience... using many vivid Word-Pictures.

Not too many lines, but sufficient to introduce the subject, describe it and then offer a closing set. You really captured and kept my interest. (Have never been there).

What particularly stands out to me are your couple of straightforward and clever lines that create a neat and original rhyme with the word "bush"... never easy.

"And feel the ocean swelling with its endless pull and push",

Just when one might think all the "bush" rhymes have been done, your inventive and inspired one works. It has a totally natural feel... not contrived or awkward either. Good one! I interpret endless pull and push to refer to tides?

"boobyalla bush" (pictured).. well I had to look that one up. : It is a shrub or small tree which grows on dunes and coastal cliffs; is very salt tolerant.

And "languor" too... although I had a general idea.

Very well done again Catherine.

Your work is so very readable and above all it flows and does not halt. For lazy readers like me, that is significant. Your poems stand out I think ...and they kind of switch on the lights in a dark room when they appear.

I notice that The Bronze Swagman Comp entries close on 30th April. Also... as yourself (and most other ABPA members) would likely already know, unlike some comps it appears to accept entries from non-residents...(hint). Like all comps, different judges give different results I suppose, but isn't it fun and worth throwing your hat in the ring with them... sort of helping to keep the standard of balladry high too?

Good luck... and another great write. Thank you for taking the time to post this vibrant poem for everyone. Gary
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Last edited by Gary Harding on Wed Apr 07, 2021 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Homework 5th April - Dim Recollection

Post by Ron » Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:59 pm

Well done Catherine, an enjoyable read! And a great idea, writing it from the perspective of a trip down memory lane!

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework 5th April - Dim Recollection

Post by Catherine Lee » Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:27 pm

Thank you, Maureen, Gary and Ron; I greatly appreciate your kind comments, and am so pleased you liked both the contrast and the memory….Gary, once again you’ve made me smile with your warm reference to my poetry in general as well. This means a lot, and I am particularly touched by your comment about ‘switching on the lights in a dark room’!... Good to know that this example of a rhyme with bush came across so well for you - and yes, you interpreted the reference correctly…Thanks for posting a pic of a boobyalla bush – I too had to look that one up! Finally, it is most thoughtful of you to point out the Bronze Swagman competition – yes, thankfully it is one I am still able to support from afar since it is open to non-residents, so I’ll at least be giving it a go!

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: Homework 5th April - Dim Recollection

Post by Shelley Hansen » Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:01 am

Excellent word picture, Catherine - as always. I'm pleased our collective musings on the Coorong awakened memories for you.

The contrast in weather conditions is certainly well-drawn, and I know only too well how quickly they can change in that neck of the woods. I remember being down that way in 2014. One day it was so cold and windy that we could hardly bear to get out of the vehicle to look at the scenery, and two days later we were sweltering in 40 degree blistering heat!
Shelley Hansen
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Re: Homework 5th April - Dim Recollection

Post by Terry » Sun Apr 11, 2021 8:30 pm

Hi Catherine I've been away a bit so missed this one.
you may have been a tad late posting it, but I can see that as always, it was well worth waiting for Catherine.


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Catherine Lee
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Re: Homework 5th April - Dim Recollection

Post by Catherine Lee » Thu Apr 15, 2021 1:20 pm

Thank you, Shelley and Terry

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