Homework week ending 12/12/11- A MOTHERS POEM

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Maureen K Clifford
Posts: 8105
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:31 am
Location: Ipswich - Paul Pisasale country and home of the Ipswich Poetry Feast

Homework week ending 12/12/11- A MOTHERS POEM

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:30 am


My Mothers Voice - A family united is a family that’s strong,
always there for each other, helping out when things go wrong.
Happy for all the good times. A new life, a small babes birth
brings joy to everybody and nothing equals its worth.

My granddaughters are pushing prams with babes now of their own.
My children are in their Autumn years and all their chicks have flown.
My grandson is a boat builder who will set sail one day
on board the boat that he has built, as summers slipped away.

My Voice - The young ones in our family now have children of their own.
My Mother’s in her winter years. How quickly time has flown.
My siblings both grandparents now – a joy for both of them
and I – I am the chronicler who holds the mighty pen.

Mother Earths voice - Life always goes full circle as it has for centuries past
The Moon and stars come out at night – in daylight hot sun blasts
its heat down on this sunburnt country ‘neath the Southern cross
a land of drought and flooding rain – a land of gain and loss.

Combined voice - Life always goes full circle just as it has done for years
This ancient world keeps turning despite wars, famine and tears.
The Mother earth she nurtures all – forgives our indiscretions
and shows her love as Mothers do – by showering all with blessings.

As Christmas rolls around again, good will spreads through the land.
Joyous Noel is heard on Earth, though not all hear the band
that plays the songs the ancients sang – and carols of great joy.
Christmas wishes are sent to all - to every girl and boy.

So take a moment, spare a thought for all who live on earth
as Christmas time returns and some remember the child’s birth
in a humble stable warmed by heat from animals who shared
the simple comforts that they had- all glad to show they cared.

For families around the world recall at Christmas time
their memories of families, and friends in other climes.
It’s a time of sharing , caring and forgiving – and should be
a time when peace on earth is heard – I hope that you agree.

So to all who read this message, be you big or be you small.
May your life be filled with blessings, and when taken overall
hope your glass is at least half full – and you see a shining star
bright and glittering in the heavens…sharing wonder near and far.

Maureen Clifford © 12/11
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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