Creepy Crawlies

Australian poetry written especially for children of all ages including pre-school children.
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Bob Pacey
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Creepy Crawlies

Post by Bob Pacey » Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:53 am

Creepy Crawlies

I think there is a great big spider living in our loo.
I was sitting in the dark and something ran across my shoe.
By the time I turned the light on it was nowhere to be seen
I hope it was just a cockroach if you get what I mean.

I moved all of the toilet rolls and checked out what was there
I found nothing but bits of fluff and rolled up bits of hair.
I thought I saw some movement from the corner of my eye
but I think it was a gekko or maybe perhaps a fly.

There are some cobwebs on the ceiling right up near the roof
They’ve been there for ages so they aren’t any proof;
that there is one still living here to drop on me at night.
Cause if that happened in the dark it would give me a fright.

Mum got the vacumn cleaner and sucked out all the grime
That used to be my chore but I don’t seem to have the time.
Now everything is spic and span but I don’t know what to do
Mum did not find the spider but we’ve now got the cleanest loo.

Bob Pacey (c)
The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!


Re: Creepy Crawlies

Post by Heather » Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:13 pm

:) Those rolled up bits of hair had me worried. Glad you got on top of that Bob! I've been spraying few spiders myself - the shed is infested with red backs this year.

Heather :)

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Catherine Lee
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Re: Creepy Crawlies

Post by Catherine Lee » Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:34 pm

:lol: Liking this one Bob - really made me smile this morning!

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Re: Creepy Crawlies

Post by Cropduster » Mon Apr 04, 2016 4:24 pm

Good one, Bob.

My Nanna used to have an out house, and I was always afraid of spiders, especially when you had to fight your way through cobwebs to get to the loo.

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