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Jelly Jam Jill and Barnaby Brown

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 9:31 pm
by Cropduster

Jelly Jam Jill and Barnaby Brown
Were two little gnomes who lived under the ground
If you ever went looking, they couldn’t be found
For they never came up, they always stayed down

They lived deep down in an old gold mine
Where the sun never shone, where the sun didn’t shine
It was always dark, it was dark all the time
Be it ever so humble, their home was just fine

Barnaby Brown told his friend Jelly Jam
I’m bored, I am thinking, I’m bored, yes I am
It is time we went up, it is time that we ran
Its time that we jumped and we played and we swam

So the two little gnomes started making their way
Back up through the mine to the light of day
The black turned to dark and the dark turned to grey
The grey turned to blue as the grey blew away

Barnaby Brown started blinking his eyes
Jelly Jam Jill, she was doing likewise
They peered out the mine and up into the skies
They’d never seen sky, they got such a surprise.

There were colours to see that they never knew
They saw green, they saw red, they saw yellow and blue
There was so much to see, there was so much to do
Things looked so bright, it all seemed brand new

Then Barnaby Brown and Jelly Jam Jill
Went out for adventure, went out for a thrill
They rolled on the grass, they climbed over a hill
Did Barnaby Brown and Jelly Jam Jill

They waded in water, they dived in the dirt
Brown rolled up his trousers, Jill hitched up her skirt
Jill muddied her blouse and Brown stained his shirt
They laughed till they cried, they laughed till it hurt.

It was the first time that either had seen the sun
They wondered and pondered where shadows came from
They could not escape them, though they tried to run
They never knew shadows could be so much fun.

Barnaby Brown started climbing the trees
He hung upside down like on circus trapeze
He shook all the branches, he dislodged the leaves
And Jill caught a few as they blew in the breeze

Jill looked in the water, she peered into the lake
There were no fishes there, there could be no mistake
Maybe they were tired, just taking a break
Or sleeping on sea beds waiting to awake

Jelly Jam Jill and Barnaby too
Saw so many things, there was so much to do
But time was so short, their time was near through
Gnomes dare not be seen, they just dare not do

Away in the distance they heard school bells chime
Children were coming in double quick time
They hurried, they scurried strait back to their mine
Back to their home where the sun doesn’t shine.

And there in the dark in their home underground
They spoke of this magical world they had found
The sights and the smells, the light and the sound
Where dreams come to life and where wonders abound

Copyright (c) Allan Cropper January 2015