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Barney M. Bailey the Circus Mouse

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:56 am
by Cropduster

Barney M. Bailey the circus mouse
Lives in a great big circus house
‘Roll up, roll up’ the mouse did roar
‘Come on in through the circus door’

The audience sat on crates and boxes
There were hens and geese and rabbits and foxes
Eating corn and cones of snow
Waiting for the star of the show

The curtains drew, the mouse appeared
The audience stood, they yelled and cheered
‘I welcome you all to the main event’
He bowed and waved and then he went

First to appear were the Basset Hounds
Riding scooters, dressed as clowns
They tripped and fell to please the crowd
The audience laughed, they laughed out loud

Next to appear were the acro-bats
Hung upside down, their wings kept wrapped.
When all the circus lights went out
They screeched and yelled and flew about.

Siamese Cats were next in line
Circus stars of the feline kind
They slinked their way around the ring
Not caring much about anything

Barney M. Bailey the circus mouse
Lives in a great big circus house
‘Ladies and gents’ the mouse did cry
Please cast your eyes way up high

Perched upon a length of string
Were ten canaries who could sing
They sang out load. They sang out strong.
The audience joined in and sang along

The Flying Budgies were next to star
Proving what great flyers they are
They flew from window sill to sill
Giving the audience a thrill

High atop the linen press
A ferret held aloft a fish
He held the goldfish by the tale
Then dropped it ‘splash’ into a pale.

Barney M. Bailey the circus mouse
Lived in a great big circus house
With top hat, tails and walking cane
He strode into the circus ring

Barney stepped into the light
Much to the audience delight
‘Ladies and Gentlemen…the star of the show’
Barney smiled and gave a bow

He waved at his adoring fans
And held within his tiny hands
A tiny whip and a tiny chair
He showed not a tiny bit of fear

‘My friends’ the mouse announced to all
‘Please do not fear, I am in control’
‘I will tame this hungry Bengal cat
And make him dance upon his mat

But before the cat let out a roar
There were sounds of humans at the door
A key was turning in the lock
It had not yet turned nine o’clock

Barney M. Bailey the circus mouse
Lived in a great big circus house
He shouted ‘Everybody run and hide’
The humans soon will be inside

The creatures scattered all about
Seeking hiding places out
Some hid beneath the dining chairs
Some others underneath the stairs

On top of cupboards, under rugs
In cups and mugs and vases and jugs
Into pots and pans they dove
Others crawled behind the stove

In washing baskets others hid
The mouse slid under the garbage lid
They all found shelter none too soon
As the humans walked into the room

Barney whispered soft and low
‘I’m afraid its time we all must go’
‘Please come back for next weeks show’

‘I have prepared a brand new act’
I ride an untamed sewer rat’
I’m sure you won’t want to miss that’

Copyright © Allan Cropper November 2010

Re: Barney M. Bailey the Circus Mouse

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 2:54 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Love it Allan - all the diferent situations Barney finds himself in and extricates himself from. It reminded me a great set of childrens stories that Stephen Whiteside wrote about Horatio - a rat on an adventure. All good fun and the kind of stories that big kids and little kids an enjoy.

Re: Barney M. Bailey the Circus Mouse

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:14 pm
by Cropduster
Thanks Maureen

I like writing for children. You can be a little fanciful and imaginative. Thank you for the very positive feedback and comparison to another writer. I am flattered.

In due course I will post some other light hearted children's poems. I hope you enjoy them also.

With gratitude
