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My Pet

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:09 pm
by alongtimegone
My bronkio-brackio-megal-athon
is the meanest and nastiest creature.
He likes to go walking the streets at night
and you wouldn’t want him to meet-cha.

His tail is all covered in long boney spikes.
On his head he has sharp horny ridges.
In your nightmares you never imagined
such a horrible monster did-yus?

His roar’s like a frustrated orka-tha-trops.
He has teeth like an arma-ga-zil-yus.
His favourite foods are puppies and kids.
So you won’t want to feed him wil-yus?

I hatched him right out of an egg that I found
in the swamp grass near Mr McGoodyers.
Won’t tell you about the horrors down there
‘cause you’d never believe me would-yus?

I found some old books that informed me my pet
was first cousin to aus-treo-som-yus.
Don’t think about walking your dogs at night
or I reckon he’ll take ‘em from-yus.

I noticed last week a new sign in the yard
of my near neighbour old Mr Davyers.
“I’ve lost both my puppies.” the signage read.
“You’ve not seen ‘em around here have-yus?”

My parting advice is stay locked up at home.
And I think that your parents should ban-yus,
from trying to find other pets like mine,
but hey! You can’t help yourselves can-yus?