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Pete The Tadpole

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:35 am
by Bob Pacey
My first attempt at poetry for kids

Pete The Tadpole

We caught a little tadpole in the creek around the block
he was hiding in the water just underneath a rock.
He wriggled and he squirmed and tried to get away
but we took him home to visit so that we could play.

We put him in a fish tank with lots of stones and stuff
he swam around quite happily so we knew he was tough.
My brother called him slimy but I just called him Pete
all our friends came round to look they thought that he was neat.

He was the cutest little thing we kept him for a week
I’m sure that he found his new home was better then the creek.
But one day when I went to check I found Pete was not there
we searched all round the backyard and looked most everywhere.

We really felt so kinda sad that Pete had gone astray
we thought that he was happy and would never go away.
But then I heard this croaking and I looked under the log
our Pete, he had not left cause he just turned into a frog .

Bob Pacey

Re: Pete The Tadpole

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 1:26 pm
by Heather
Kids would like that one Bob. I collected tadpoles as a kid but they all seemed to perish before they grew legs.

Heather :)