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The Legend Of Keith Garvey.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:43 pm
by Duncan Williams
Back in the 1980's , in my early years of Tamworth High School, spending my lunch breaks in the School library, looking at Australian history i came across a poetry book of Keith Garvey. at that time i was great friends with local Tamworth poet Gertrude Skinner, who lived down the road from me in Gipps Street. It wasn't until 1990, while working in the Moree area that i got to meet Keith Garvey for the first time. and also met a lot of bush characters around the North-West area.
(kids, my advise to you, is if you want to learn about the Australian Bush, is talk with the people who have lived in that environment)


To a real old western stockman,
He was there at Pally pub,
We were on our way with horses,
From the day out in the scrub.
He was at the bar and yarning,
With a few old long-time mates,
When i was introduced to Garvey,
By horsewoman there, Jan Bates.

I found Keith quite and pleasant,
Not the one requiring fame,
With a poets pen and author,
was where he made his name.
For he knew the tracks he travelled,
Bush stories put to rhythm,
Of shearing sheds and droving camps,
Buck-jumper called, Old Time.

Keith Garvey's Cattle Camp Collection,
Was the book he signed for me,
Twenty years of age, and starting out,
In the world of poetry.
In respect for you, Old Stockman.
I'll remember that day well,
Garvey's Cattle Camp Collection,
At the Golden Grain Hotel.

A well known bard of the New England,
With his books and stories told,
And the Legendary Colin Newsome,
Those bush poet freinds of old.
As we remember them as children,
And grew up with what was said,
Those two characters of Australia,
And the kind of life they led.

Duncan Williams. (2012)

Re: The Legend Of Keith Garvey.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:13 pm
by Heather
Good memories for you Duncan and a nice tribute to Keith.

Heather :)