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The Holes in my Socks

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:54 am
by Stephen Whiteside
The Holes in my Socks

© Stephen Whiteside 30.09.10

As a general rule
(I believe I’m no snob)
The socks on my feet
Do a pretty fair job.
They’re strong at my ankle.
They’re sound at my heel.
They keep my feet warm,
With a comf’table feel.

Across all my toes, too,
They form a firm wall,
Except for this one toe,
The biggest of all.
Alas, my socks fail me
In just this one place.
The toe reaches forth,
And they can’t hack the pace!

Take my shoe off.
You will find without fail
A hole in the sock
At the end of that nail.
You can gaze left to right.
You can scan front to back.
It’s just at this spot
That of sock there’s a lack.

So who is the culprit?
It’s time to take stock;
The shoe or the nail
Or the toe or the sock?
There’s no use in beating
’Round bush or ’round tree.
The finger of blame,
It is pointing