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A Walk In The Woods

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:20 pm
by Trace
On Anzac this year my wife Barb and I made a pilgrimage to the Ypres area of Belgium to visit war graves of 2 great uncles (brothers on our grandfather) who fell in the Great War.

Many of you will have seen Marty's moving tributes to the 4 brothers who served in the war.

While there we attended the dawn ceremony at Polygon Wood, which was of special significance given another great uncle fought in the battle of Polygon Wood, and for actions during that battle was awarded a Military Medal.

On the evening before Anzac Day my wife and I walked through Polygon Woods. This is for Uncle Frank.

Today I walked through Polygon Wood
A place I'd travelled far to see
In 1917 my Great Uncle Frank
had walked this way before me

I walked at ease with my wife by my side
Drinking in all that we saw
Frank marched with his mates, bayonets attached
One more battle to fight in the war

In the distance we hear the chatter of birds,
Ploughed grounds yield an earthy smell
Frank walked this way with the smell of blood
And the scream of artillery shell

We walk beneath trees awaiting the spring
New life rising forth all around
When Frank walked this way there was nary a tree
Shell craters had churned up the ground

We passed by the pillboxes shattered and broken
No guns at the ready this day
No withering fire raking the troops
As they did when Frank walked this way

From the ground we pick metals all covered in rust
Curious to what we had found
Frank spent his time oft covered in dirt
As bullets and shells fell around

In the distance we see the Polygon Butte
Our objective as once it was Frank's
Before it the gravestones of too many fallen
Soldiers lined up in orderly ranks

Up at the Butte the monuments rise
In tribute to those fallen that day
So peaceful the scene, this day we give thanks
From The Wood, Frank Boyce walked away.

Re: A Walk In The Woods

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 3:14 am
by Irene
Hi Trace
Must have been an awesome experience to be able to walk your Uncle Franks path, and reflect on what might have been. A wonderful tribute for your uncle, and for all the men who have fought for our freedom.
Thanks for sharing


Re: A Walk In The Woods

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:57 pm
by Trace
Thanks was a great experience. Frank came home when so many didn't. The dawn service at Polygon Wood was an experience never to be forgotten. People from Oz, NZ, The UK, Canada, and a good number from Belgium. Young, old, school groups, you name it. The respect and honor accorded by the Belgium people is amazing after so many years.

The sacrifices were many and great. So is the lasting impact.....

