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Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:42 am
by Bob Pacey

I sit here staring at the ocean
As it rolls upon the beach.
The waves they rumble slightly
As up on to the sand they reach.

My mind it drifts as here I sit
To the shores of that bloodied bay.
Where Australia's finest young men
Lay slaughtered in the spray.

To those beaches of Gallipoli
Where through sweat and tears and blood.
They charged the Turks defences
In an unrelenting flood.

Young men from every state and territory
Prepared to give their lives, their all.
To defend the right of freedom
They answered our nations call.

T'was there the legend first was born
As they wallowed in the mire.
Mateships forged that would endure
And outstanding courage under fire.

The landing there at Suvla Bay
Saw young bodies ripped and torn.
But out of that horrible carnage
The ANZAC legend then was born.

Twenty thousand of Australia’s sons
Charged through blood and fire and water.
But Johnny Turk was primed and ready
As they gave and asked no quarter.

Their feats will never be forgotten
As we honour them each year.
Thanks them for their sacrifice
As we quietly shed a tear.

There are those who would discard it
They say it glorifies all war.
But they gave their lives for freedom
Their sacrifice we can’t ignore.

So to those who would not honour them
and have us cast their feats aside.
You will not break our ANZAC spirit.
It is a badge we will always wear with pride.

‘Lest We Forget”

Bob Pacey ( C )



Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:20 am
by warooa
Sentiments we share, Bob - but spelling mate . . . check Galloplie and Suva Bay

Cheers, Marty


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:41 am
by Neville Briggs
A lot of people reflect on that to-day Bob.

A bit of trivia for reflection. Gallipoli is the Turkish version of a greek name; Kalepolis which means The Beautiful City. Now there's something for the poets to think on for Remembrance Day poetry.


Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:46 am
by Dennis N O'Brien
Well done Bob.