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Re: The Passing of Stumpy Shore

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:09 pm
by Leonie
Ooh, this is that one of yours. One of my all time favourite poems. It doesn't matter how often I read it that last line always gets to me. Even though by now I know it is coming the effect it has on me never lessens, shivers up the spine, a great poem.

Re: The Passing of Stumpy Shore

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:15 am
by thestoryteller
I was inspired to write this Leonie after I saw some youths pour a flamable liquid over a sleeping, homeless, veteran and lit him up. [News Report]

They obviously knew nothing about the man and judged him on what they saw. I felt the story needed to be told. Thanks for sharing it with us again.

The Storyteller.