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Speaking Your Mind

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:10 pm
by Terry

I like a bloke who speaks his mind, or sheila’s come to that,
if something really bothers you it’s time we had a chat.
So get it off your chest mate, go on, spit it out right now,
for Life’s too short for grudges – is it worth it anyhow?

Misunderstandings can occur of which you’re unaware,
you wonder what the hell you’ve done to earn that icy stare.
Imaginations soon run wild, then whispering begins,
And soon you’re sent to Coventry for all your so called sins.

It’s mountains out of molehills next; or so the saying goes,
but still it causes ructions if you’ve trod on some-ones toes.
So best to check it out, before a friendship starts to sink,
forget the silent treatment – it’s so silly don’t you think.

Some families are just as bad and never talk at all,
because of some forgotten thing that no one can recall.
So sort your problems out before they fester in the mind;
what seems to be a problem, maybe nothing of the kind.

©T.E. Piggott

Re: Speaking Your Mind

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:29 pm
by Heather
Good one Terry and so true. And then there are some of the Baltic states and Arabic tribes that are still fighting over things that happened hundreds of years ago. Some years ago we met a young man of Croatian or Serbian background who was convinced that all the problems of the world were caused by the Jews! Talk about brainwashing. I couldn't believe people still think that way and what's worse - they bring their hatred to our country!

Heather :)

Re: Speaking Your Mind

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:37 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
Excellent Terry in all ways - great advice too....I hear you Heather....beggars belief doesn't it....sheer ignorance and STUPIDITY often seems to rule some people. They seem to not be able to see the wood for the trees. Life at best is transient. Why waste a minute of it on silly nonsense like fighting with neighbours and friends or family or each other. Too bloody stupid for words - but then Librans are peacemakers or so I have been told.

Re: Speaking Your Mind

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:36 pm
by Neville Briggs
You've got the metre and rhyme going without a hitch as far as I can see, Terry.
( now you have to learn to tweak it a bit :lol: )

Excellent observation. It's very noticeable in a country town when you are " cut off " for some mysterious reason. I agree with what you say, have the courage to have it out face to face. I'll try and live up to that :oops:

Re: Speaking Your Mind

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:47 pm
by Vic Jefferies
Good poem Terry and great advice.
Unfortunately Heather some of the hatreds in the world that you describe have their basis in very real and terrible historical fact. We in Australia are very fortunate to never have experienced some of the hideous crimes and genocides that a great many races in the world have suffered for hundreds if not thousands of years and in our innocence we cannot hope to understand why certain peoples hate with a fury we have never witnessed.
Believe me there is nothing petty or imagined about the hatreds that exist between a large number of the world's population.
However, we expect (vainly I might add) that these people who have been mortal enemies in some cases for thousands of years will leave their historical and cultural baggage at the Custom's Desk when they enter Australia. They can't, they wont and they don't!
Vic Jefferies

Re: Speaking Your Mind

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:50 pm
by Heather
Vic, I agree that it is probably easy for us to sit in judgement when we don't know the whole story (something I try not to do as a rule), but I find it sad, even pointless that current generations continue the hatred from something that might have happened over 400 years ago. I can totally understand why someone kept prisoner of war might have grievances, or someone who lost family in the halocaust, but how many generations do you hold responsible for what happened many hundreds of years ago?


Re: Speaking Your Mind

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:15 pm
by Bob Pacey
Not a truer word was spoken Terry.

Old wounds sometimes heal slowly


Re: Speaking Your Mind

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:18 pm
by Terry
Thanks Everybody,

Everybody want's to blame everybody else

Family feuds can be unbelievable at times, and sadly it often occurs after a death in the family and centers on who got what, and who missed out.

I haven't worried to much about polishing it, just tried to get the message across. Although I'm sure everybody knows it, sometimes it's worth reminding ourselves.

Your right Vic,
Hatreds that go back in some cases centuries can't be forgotten overnight - mores the pity

A lot of our everyday problems come about because of misunderstanding when often the offender doesn't even realize they've transgressed in some way. I guess we all need to watch what we do and say, a careless word can sometimes be hurtful to some people.
I still think the best way is to bring it out in the open and have a quite word with the other person involved, most times that will solve the problem.

Cheers All,


Re: Speaking Your Mind

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:48 pm
by Irene
Very true sentiments Terry - too many hold onto grudges well past the time they should have let them go!!!


Re: Speaking Your Mind

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:30 pm
by Terry
I agree Irene,
Often over something that the other person is not even aware of.
We can all be sensitive at times when a careless word or action can have unintentional consequences.
Regardless of the rights and wrongs of the matter the sooner it's sorted out the better.

By the way how much memory does your new Iphone have and can you download it onto a computer,
could be handy up bush when I finally get there? Had been thinking of a small laptop.
I jumped out of my van the other day and damaged my knee
and could hardly walk for a few days. Now hope to be off in a week or so.

Cheers Terry