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Outback Menu

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:05 am
by Bob Pacey
An old friend od mine Ann Lucas sent me this to see what I reckon I'm going to try to help her tidy it up a bit but she has some great ideas for poems.

Outback Menu

A man went to buy a meal at an outback pub
And jokingly asked, could he buy some grub.
He didn't want the itchy ones covered in fluff
He’d have the witchetys, if they weren't too tough.

The barman said “ of course that will be fine”
Do you want them as an entree or served with wine?
Roast leg of emu is our special of the day
But its a bit of a mouthful, I would have to say..

If you want something cheaper there’s wallaby stew
Or a rich wholesome casserole made from kangaroo.
Unfortunately I can’t recommend the corned bandicoot.
They are about as tasty as an old rubber boot.

But if you’ve got patience and are not in a hurry
You might like to try our echidna curry.
It’s not the cooking that takes all the time.
It’s pulling out all those annoying spines.

As for the fried bilbies, it’s up to you mate
If they’re under-cooked, they hop off your plate.
And all our salads are lightly tossed in oil
Made from goanna’s brought to the ball.

If you want a snack, you can have Galah pies
Served with cream and sprinkled with flies.
Unfortunately Rosellas are now out of season.
And the price of them has gone beyond reason.

Our prickly-pear tarts are another good buy
With a pair of tweezers given with every pie.
The man cried out “Stop! I can’t take any more”
And picked up his money and shot out the door.

I told the barman “this time you’ve gone too far.
You don’t serve cream on pies made from Galah!”

Anne Lucas ( c )