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Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:29 pm
by Jeff Thorpe
A tongue in cheek observation of the state of the nation.


“A never better time to be Australian” said our leader
when he seized the reins of power just last year,
but I can see no milk and honey flowing,
is there something in his speech I did not hear?

At least he can string more than three words together
unlike his predecessor, the mad monk,
and yes, the knights and dames are gone, thank heaven
though not much else in policy has shrunk.

Selfies seem to be the mantra of our Malcolm,
on buses, trains, wherever there’s a phone,
a practice not encouraged by previous Prime Ministers
plus, no one ever wanted one with Tone.

So, is it all rhetoric that daily we are fed,
the jockey’s changed though riding the same horse
and there are rumblings too within his Party,
like Kev and Jules, could we see an armistice but ultimate divorce?

Meanwhile, I despair of what’s happening round the country,
the news is full of mayhem every night,
what’s happened to the cause of common decency,
while common sense, I fear is out of sight.

Parliament’s a circus, reduced to “tit for tat”,
constructive thought is shackled at the gate,
inconsequential issues grab the headlines
and around more crucial subjects, powers that be skate.

The nation’s gone all cactus, we’re up that well known creek,
paddles as scarce as the proverbial hen’s teeth,
is a train wreck shaping up on the horizon ,
if so, poor Joe Citizen will be underneath.

An election year’s upon us and on one thing we can bet,
governing the country will hardly run a place,
the minds of politicians are all working in accord,
retention of their seats is the goal which they’ll embrace.

Barnyard Barnaby, Deputy PM, are we living in a dream?
Hunt’s been judged best Minister in the world,
“a never better time” to put cue in the rack,
and get the flag of La La Land unfurled.

Jeff Thorpe © 12 February 2016


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:32 pm
by r.magnay
I know where you are coming from there Jeff, however, I suspect that the people need to shoulder a bit more of the burden as well, while it is fine to blame everything on the pollies, everyone wants the problems fixed....just as long as it doesn't cost them anything!


Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:17 am
by Jeff Thorpe
As long as the load's equitable Ross.

Cheers, Jeff


Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 2:45 pm
by alongtimegone
I think the task of government has just gotten far too big Jeff. Our pollies really don't have the answers to most of today's questions and you are correct about what becomes the goal of the individual ... hanging on to the job.
Enjoyed your poem.