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Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:04 am
by Cropduster

Entwined within synapses, buried deep within the mind,
there hides a childhood mem'ry, near impossible to find.
Lying dormant, soundly sleeping, sign that reads 'Do Not Disturb',
it is but a distant mem'ry, one you may kick to the curb.
It has found its bed and lodgings in far reaches of the brain,
stored away yet not forgotten, though not likely seen again.
Until one day there's a happenstance, a sight, a sound, a smell,
that wakes up a sleeping mem'ry, like the tinkling of a bell.
With a start it sits up straight in bed, excited to be called
and dresses up to look it's best, for now it is quite old.
With spruced up hair and makeup, and a suit aimed to impress
it rushes to the frontal lobe, where you might rightly guess
it has it's moment in the sun, embellished just a tad,
then job well done, it scurries home, and crawls back into bed.

Copyright (c) Allan Cropper December 2015


Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 9:18 am
by Heather
I love that Allan! Memory is funny thing, and as you say, it hides in the recesses of our brain to be awakened some day - maybe. And it's weird, because once you have that recognition of, "Oh, yes, I remember that," it all seems to come flooding back.

I'm really enjoying your poems Allan.

Heather :)


Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:45 am
by alongtimegone
I like it too Allan and I can really relate to this line buried deep within the mind. Unfortunately I haven't got a shovel with a long enough handle to get down there. :(


Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:18 pm
by Catherine Lee
Until one day there's a happenstance, a sight, a sound, a smell,
that wakes up a sleeping mem'ry, like the tinkling of a bell.

I love this poem Allan. The above two lines are so true, and the whole idea of the sleeping memory coming excitedly to life, dressing up, being embellished and then put to bed...well it's just lovely, and beautifully put. I will be keeping this one on file to read many times over.


Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 5:25 pm
by Cropduster
Thank you Heather, Wazza and Catherine

I am delighted that you liked it, and as always you kind words are well received.